Buckling is not verified while steel or timber design in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Autodesk Support

Feb 7, 2025

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Buckling is not verified during steel or timber code verification in Robot Structural Analysis.
Buckling not verified 


  • The buckling check is not activated in the member parameters assigned to the verified element of a model.
  • Member is under tension for design load case/combination (negative value of the axial force).


Activate buckling analysis in steel/timber member design parameter set.

Follow these steps:
  1. Open Design > "Steel member design - Options" > "Code parameters" (for steel members) or Design > "Timber member design - Options" > "Code parameters" (for timber members).
  2. Define new label (or edit existing, for instance Simple member or Timber member).
  3. Modify label name.
  4. Click buckling icons showing "red cross" in Buckling y and z zones.
Member definition parameters dialog box.
  1. In buckling diagram, choose the appropriate buckling definition icon.
Buckling Diagrams dialog box
  1. Validate change with OK button.
  2. Write a new name in the "Member type" field.
  3. Click Save button.
  4. Assign modified label to members.
  5. Restart member verification with Calculations button.
Bars under tension are not checked for buckling. Buckling is verified only for members under compression with buckling analysis activated in code check parameters.



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