Revit Error | EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis

Autodesk Support

Jan 24, 2025

Products and versions covered


When using the Systems Analysis tool in Revit, after processing for a period of time, you receive the following message:
EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis.

Error EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis


There can be a few causes for this error, see if any of the items on the table below apply to you.



See the following help topic for information on setting up the model for Revit Systems Analysis


When make changes to your model (in troubleshooting this error), make sure to delete and re-create the energy model.
See if any of the following items apply to your situation:
Missing coil assignmenteplusout.err file records lines like the following:
[Coil:Cooling:Water]...Missing required property
"EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis" after running System Analysis in Revit
Missing schedule information for:
eplusout.err file records lines like the following:
Missing required property 'number_of_people_schedule_name'
"EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis" in the created Analysis Report after running System Analysis in Revit
Resolved in Revit 2024Event Viewer records: Faulting application name: openStudio.exe"EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for Systems Analysis" in Revit
Resolved in Revit 2023

eplusout.err file records lines like the following:

checkSubSurfAzTiltNorm: Outward facing angle of subsurface differs more than 90.0 degrees from base surface

"EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis" when running a Systems Energy Analysis in Revit
Possibly related to room separator lines.Multiple zone equipment assigned to the same space."EnergyPlus simulation did not generate a report for systems analysis" when running a Systems Energy Analysis with VRF zone equipment in Revit




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