Autodesk software asks to Sign in every time it is launched, every few days, or at every reboot

Autodesk Support

Nov 8, 2024

Products and versions covered


Users reported that every time Autodesk software is opened, they are required to sign in with Autodesk credentials. In some instances, the sign-in is requested every few days, at every reboot or by "random".

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Sign in with your Autodesk ID

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Sign in page

Window opens up every time Autodesk software is launched


  • The Computer is continuously offline (no Internet connection) for more than 30 days, on the 31st day the application will request a user sign in. 
  • The network adapter was changed (for example from WiFi to Ethernet).
  • A laptop was undocked/docked from/to a docking station.
  •  A mixed environment with proxy and nonproxy is used.
  • An antivirus program is tampering with folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk or C:\ProgramData\Autodesk.
  • 3rd-party software or Group Policy Object tampering with folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk or C:\ProgramData\Autodesk.
  • The VMWare Snapshot revert function OR hard drive rollback protection function is active.
  • A VM environment where the user is provisioned with a new VM with a different MAC address each time is used.
  • An Autodesk product is started by another program.
  • A pirated (non legal) version of Autodesk software is installed and used.


To solve the issue, try these procedures, in order:
Note: Some of the folders listed below may be hidden. Make sure to enable the display of hidden files/folders. See: Show hidden files (Microsoft) for more information.

Check if LoginState.xml can be overwritten:

  1. Close all Autodesk programs.
  2. Navigate to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services.
  3. Make sure that the file LoginState.xml is not set to Read-only mode (right-click > Properties > General tab).
  4. Launch the Autodesk software and login.
  5. Verify again that the file LoginState.xml is not set to Read-only mode.

Update Identity Manager when using product version 2024 or higher:

Autodesk Identity Manager component update for product versions 2024 and beyond (Windows)

Reset licensing information:

  1. Reset the licensing on the system. See: How to change or reset licensing for Autodesk software.
  2. Reset the Autodesk Account password. See: Reset and Change Your Autodesk Account Password.
  3. Launch the Autodesk product. If asked, sign in with your Autodesk credentials.
  4. Install all the available updates for the installed software and any licensing updates. See: Install Updates, Add-ons, and Enhancements.

  Check for Antivirus interference:

  1. Uninstall your antivirus programs.
  2. Test the behavior for a few days.
  3. If the Autodesk software runs fine, contact the vendor of the antivirus prior to reinstalling it. See also: How to set up antivirus (AV) exclusions to improve stability and performance of Autodesk software.

  Virtual Machine (VM) environments: 

  • If the VM's MAC address is set to Dynamic, it will need to be changed to Static (for product version 2023 or earlier). 
  • Snapshots or rollbacks will need to be disabled, as this can cause the logged credentials to revert with the wrong information or timestamp. 
Note: Virtual environments are not supported for Autodesk products.

Uninstall all non-legal Autodesk software versions:

If the above solutions do not help to fix the issue:

  • Uninstall the Autodesk Desktop App if it is installed and install the new Autodesk Access
  • Assign the software to the user in the Autodesk Account

Repair "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime" and "Autodesk Identity Manager" (for 2024 version or higher):

  1. Go to Control Panel and open Programs and Features.
  2. Search for the "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime" and repair it.
  3. Search for the "Autodesk Identity Manager" and uninstall it.
  4. Reboot the system.
  5. Download and install the component from here.
  6. Reboot the system
  7. Start the software and check whether the issue is gone. 

Advanced troubleshooting for 3rd party application interference:

Collect a Process Monitor log or Boot Log to analyze which exact application is corrupting the LoginState.xml file. See:


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