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CAD-embedded finite element analysis software

Available only in the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection


Use a wider variety of study types and materials in your analysis

Inventor Nastran® delivers finite element analysis (FEA) tools for engineers and analysts. Simulation covers multiple analysis types, such as linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer.

Inventor Nastran is available only in the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection

Product Design & Manufacturing Collection overview video (47 sec.)

The Product Design & Manufacturing Collection delivers tools that work right inside Inventor—including advanced simulation, 5-axis CAM, and nesting, plus AutoCAD and Fusion 360. The collection includes:

  • Inventor Nastran
  • Inventor
  • AutoCAD
  • And more

Inventor Nastran features

  • Autodesk Nastran solver

    Use robust and accurate CAD-embedded analysis capabilities. (video: 1:46 min.)

  • Inventor integration

    Go beyond the linear static studies in Inventor with embedded FEA technology. (video: 1:36 min.)

  • Heat transfer

    Avoid assembly failure due to high thermal stress. (video: 2:32 min.)

  • Automated drop test

    Automate projectile impact and virtual drop tests for phones, laptops, and many other products. (video: 1:45 min.)

  • Advanced material models

    Model metals, rubber, and soft tissue in a single virtual test. (video: 4:19 min.)

  • Linear statics

    Determine stress, strain, and deformation. (video: 1:35 min.)

  • Bolt connectors

    Optimize bolted connections in your designs. (video: 3:55 min.)

  • Autodesk CFD interoperability

    Import data from Autodesk CFD, and apply thermal and fluid pressure results. (video: 46 sec.)

  • Response spectrum analysis

    Analyze earthquake and wind loading. (video: 1:11 min.)

  • Automatic midplane mesher

    Idealize thin solid models as a shell. (video: 1:08 min.)

  • Frame Generator idealization

    Select which structural members will be automatically idealized as beam elements. (video: 2:13 min.)

  • Linear buckling

    Analyze structures, such as columns and beams, for catastrophic failure under certain loading conditions. (video: 41 sec.)

  • Static fatigue

    Determine the durability of structures under repeated loading, including low- and high-cycle fatigue.

  • Impact analysis

    Solve impact events and drop testing of all types of nonlinearities at the same time.

  • Surface contact

    Accurately simulate and model parts with different kinds of contact, such as sliding, friction, and welding.

See Inventor Nastran in action

Video: Engineering Manager Bjorn Tore Ekerhovd describes how his company produces one-off products for the oil industry in Norway


Efficient custom design

Firm designs custom products for the oil industry with Inventor Nastran and the easy Inventor CAD integration.

Try Inventor Nastran free for 30 days

Tips for a successful download

Use at least a 10 Mbps Internet connection.

Before you begin, temporarily turn off all active applications, including virus checking software.

Sufficient space on your hard drive. Trials are typically large file sizes. See disk space recommendation in system requirements below.

Restart your computer after install.

System requirements

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    See system requirements

    TRIAL FILE SIZE (estimated maximum)

    2 GB


    10 Mbps Internet connection. Turn off all active applications, including virus checking software


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    Inventor Nastran free trial

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      Try more products from the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection
      Professional-grade product design and engineering tools for 3D mechanical design, simulation, visualization, and documentation.

      Inventor Tolerance Analysis
      Inventor Tolerance Analysis software is designed to understand the cost impact of dimensional variation. 

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