How to find the local copies of Revit Cloud Workshared files

Autodesk Support

Sep 26, 2024

Products and versions covered


Where local copies of Revit Cloud Workshared models are located on the system?



When working with Revit cloud models, local copies are saved at the following file path:
  • Revit 2025 and later versions: Go to the Revit Options Cloud Model Tab to find the location of the Collaboration Cache.
  • Revit 2024 and earlier versions: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\<Autodesk Revit Version>\CollaborationCache 
Note: The AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows, see the following article for information on How to turn on hidden files and folders on Windows


The CollaborationCache folder is structured as follows:
  • Main folder contains sub-folders based on the user's account ID.
  • The account ID folders contain sub-folders with Projects' GUIDs.
  • The Project GUID folders contain sub-folders with the Revit model GUIDs.
  • The Revit model GUID folder contains all local copies of files associated with the particular model (including RVT, backup folder, and linked files).


  • The normal workflow to access cloud models is to go to Revit Home, and click the Autodesk Docs option on the left (or through the Recent Files page). Accessing these local files directly should be avoided where possible.
  • An example of when you would want to access these files is when trying to find a good copy of a model that can be used to create a new central model, or when trying to clear damaged Revit cloud model cache.

Note: If unclear on how to find the exact file needed, there are a few methods available: 

  1. Open the file in question and verify that it is the desired model. Then, use Save As to save a detached copy of the model to a local location.
  2. Look in the journal file for a session where you opened the file in Revit and retrieve the file name from there. The journal will be located in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\<Autodesk Revit version>\Journals.
For example:
  • Journal entry:
Jrn.Data "File Name"  _
         , "IDOK", "CLD://{dd0461d1-07b9-4fb4-9e4b-f3dc0b7a8bd3}Test_Project/{08bb6dc6-3f6c-4939-92a6-e412ef449c1b}rac_advanced_sample_project"
  • In this case “dd0461d1-07b9-4fb4-9e4b-f3dc0b7a8bd3” is the project GUID, and “08bb6dc6-3f6c-4939-92a6-e412ef449c1b” is the model GUID


Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing; BIM 360; Construction Cloud;

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