How to do a manual clean uninstall of Autodesk Fusion

Autodesk Support

Jan 7, 2025

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How to do a manual clean uninstall of Autodesk Fusion.

WARNING: The Fusion Service Utility (FSU) provides a safer, lower effort alternative to the following manual process. Manual clean uninstall process is high effort and only necessary in extreme cases.

If you are reinstalling, use the Repair Fusion (FSU command)
If you are uninstalling, use the Uninstall Fusion (FSU command).

Before Uninstalling, back up any local Libraries with one of the following methods:

  • Load the local library into a Cloud library: 
  • Change the file name of the existing folder instead of deleting it:
    1. Locate the local library or other files that need to be kept through the Manual Clean steps.
    2. Add something to the file name such "old" or "keep". For example change "CAM360" to "CAM360_old" or "CAM360_keep".
    3. Do not delete that file.
    4. Reinstall Fusion.
    5. Fusion will have created a version of the folder and the name changed folder will also still be there. 
    6. Restore the folder with one of the following methods:
    • Delete the newly created folder and change the old folder back to the standard name.
    • The internal contents of the renamed folder can be moved to the newly created folder. 
  • Drag or copy files to be kept to a new location:
    1. Locate the local library or other files that need to be kept through the Manual Clean steps.
    2. Drag or copy files to be kept to a new location, such as to the desktop so they are not deleted or overwritten during the reinstall.

Windows Clean Install Process
macOS Clean Install Process

Manual Clean Uninstall for Windows: 

For instructions on accessing hidden files and folders, see How to turn on hidden files and folders on Windows

  1. Go to the Start Menu > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs.
  2. Select the existing Autodesk Fusion 360 entry from the list and click Uninstall.
    • Sometimes this step will not work depending on what happened to the installation files. If that is the case move onto the following manual deletion steps)
  3. Upon completion of the uninstall program, exit Control Panel.
  4. Start Windows Explorer and go to C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Local\Autodesk
  5. Delete the following folders (if present):
    • Web Services
    • Webdeploy
    • Production
    • Neutron Platform
    • Neutron
  6. Go to: C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Local\Autodesk\Common and delete the following folders:
    • Material Library
    • DB Manager
    • Exchange Archives
  7. Go to: C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Local\Temp and delete:
    • 7Z*.*
    • Autodesk 
    • Proteinrun
    • ProtoLabs
    • Neutron
  8. Go to C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Roaming\Autodesk and make sure that the following folders are deleted:
    • Autodesk Fusion 360
    • MC3
    • Neutron Platform
    • Synergy
  9. Delete the libraries.json file: C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\CAM360\configuration\libraries.json
  10. Delete the XML files stored in:
    C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Fusion 360 CAM\Settings
  11. Make sure that the following folders have been deleted:
    • Autodesk Fusion 360
    • MC3
    • Neutron
  12. Go to  C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Identity Services
    • Delete the file: idservices.db
Note: It's not required to empty the Recycling Bin for manual uninstallation. Retaining deleted files in the Recycle Bin lets you restore them later in case they are still needed. Empty the Recycle Bin after confirming that the new installation is working correctly.

If Fusion can't be removed from the Windows control panel or using the uninstall utility, back up the registry key and remove the following registry keys.

  • HKEY_USERS\ <user specific SID> \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\73e72ada57b7480280f7a6f4a289729f
  • HKEY_USERS\ <user specific SID> \SOFTWARE\Autodesk\Fusion 360 CAM
  • HKEY_USERS\ <user specific SID> \SOFTWARE\Classes\fusion360
  • HKEY_USERS\ <user specific SID> _Classes\fusion360
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk (When only Fusion is installed in the System)
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk (When Fusion 360 is the only application installed in the System)


Manual Clean Uninstall for macOS

For instructions on accessing hidden files and folders, see How to Access Hidden User Library folder on macOS

1. Uninstall Fusion downloaded from

  1. Click the Launchpad.
  2. Find and click the "Remove Autodesk Fusion 360" icon. This starts the uninstaller.

2. Clear any remaining program files manually:

  1. Using the Finder, navigate to /users/ <username> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/.
  2. Delete the following folders:
    • MC3
    • FusionDoc 20XX or FusionDoc
    • Synergy
    • Neutron
    • Neutron Platform
    • Production
    • Web Services
    • Webdeploy
  3. Delete the libraries.json file in the following directory:
    /users/ <username> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CAM360/configuration.
  4. Delete the XML files located in:
    /users/ <username> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Fusion 360 CAM/Settings.
  5. Go to the following locations and remove the listed folders and files:
    • /users/ <username> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Common (If present, delete the Material Library folder)
    • /users/ <username> /Downloads (If present, delete Fusion 360 Client Downloader.dmg)
    • /users/ <username> /Library/Caches/com.autodesk.senddump
    • /users/ <username> /Library/Logs/autodesk.webdeploy.streamer.log
    • /users/ <username> /Library/Preferences/com.autodesk.fusion360.Autodesk Fusion 360.plist
    • /users/ <username> /Library/Preference/com.autodesk.MC3Framework.plist
    • /users/ <username> /Library/Preference/com.autodesk.AcCoreConsole.plist
    • /users/ <username> /Library/CrashReporter/MaterialLibraryMigrator.plist

      Note: Deleting a plist will not do anything if Fusion has already been run during the current system startup. Reboot the machine or terminate the cfprefsd process after deletion. Use Force Quit in the Activity Monitor.
  6. Start a Terminal window.
  7. Enter "open $TMPDIR" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
  8. In the Finder window, move the following folders to the Trash:
    • Autodesk
    • Neutron
    • Proteinrun
  9. Mac: Finder > Go > Go to folder > (type this exactly) ~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Identity Services
    • Delete the file: idservices.db
  10. Close the Finder and the Terminal.
Note: It's not required to empty the Trash for manual uninstallation. Retaining deleted files in the Trash lets you restore them later in case they are still needed. Empty the Trash after confirming that the new installation is working correctly.

To Reinstall Fusion:

Reinstall Fusion by visiting your Products and Services in your Autodesk Account. Under the Products and Services tab, select Download Now next to Fusion.

Note: If you are using a trial version of Fusion, the download will be found in the Trial tab of your Autodesk Account.



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