If the Revit cloud cache has bad data, cloud models may not open, and the cache may need to be manually cleared.
Note: If enough time is allotted, and the bad cached data is made obsolete by other user’s changes then the issue could be cleared, as Revit will get the new information (ignoring the old bad cached data).
Confirm Issue
Go through the following steps to confirm if cached items are causing the issue at hand:
- Confirm that others can open the model successfully. If multiple people can't open the model it is less likely to be an issue with the local cache.
- Desktop Connector (if used):
- Version History: Open the previously sync'd version of the model. See the following help topic for information on how to View and Open an Earlier Version of a Cloud Model
Unsynchronized Changes
Warning: If cloud model has been saved (regular save) and these changes have not been synchronized before closing Revit then clearing the cache will clear these changes.
Clear Cache
Revit 2024 and later versions.
- Clear CollaborationCache.
- Open Revit.
- Open the Revit Options.
- Change the Cloud model cache location. For example C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit_New

- Close and reopen Revit (for the changes to take effect).
- PacCache: If the issue remains after clearing the CollaborationCache, clear the PacCache (Personal Accelerator).
- Create a folder called Cache on the Desktop.
- Within the Cache folder create a subfolder Pac.
- Move everything in the following folder except for the Logs folder and JSON file into the Pac folder:
Revit 2023 and earlier versions.
- Clear CollaborationCache:
- Create a folder called Cache on the Desktop.
- Within the Cache folder create a subfolder Collab.
- Move the contents of the following folder into the Collab folder:
%localappdata%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit ####\CollaborationCache
- If the issue remains after clearing the CollaborationCache, clear the PacCache (Personal Accelerator):
- Within the Cache folder create a subfolder Pac.
- Move everything in the following folder except for the Logs folder and JSON file into the Pac folder:
Confirm Resolution
Confirm that issue is resolved after clearing one or both cache locations and if it is move onto next section.
If issue is not cleared after clearing both cache locations, revert the changes made above to restore the cache.
Restore Cache
The steps above clear the cache for many cloud models (across multiple product versions). Go through the following (optional) steps to restore the cache for the other models (and avoid reduced performance as these are recached):
Revit 2024 and later versions.
- CollaborationCache.
- Open new CollaborationCache folder (created previously), and find the name of the newly cached cloud model. It will be in the following format (using example from above for new cache location):
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit_New\Autodesk Revit ####\CollaborationCache\<Account>\<Project GUID>\<Model GUID>.rvt
- Find the Project GUID in the original CollaborationCache folder. By default this would be C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit.
- Delete the Project GUID folder.
- Change the cache location from the new location back to the original location.
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit ####\CollaborationCache
- PacCache.
- Open the Cache Desktop folder (if not still open).
- Move the files from the Pac subfolder that were not recreated back into the original PacCache folder.
Revit 2023 and earlier versions.
- CollaborationCache.
- Open the Cache Desktop folder.
- Move the files from Collab folder that were not recreated back into the original CollaborationCache folder.
%localappdata%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit ####\CollaborationCache
- PacCache.
- Open the Cache Desktop folder (if not still open).
- Move the files from the Pac subfolder that were not recreated back into the original PacCache folder.
Copy Cache From Second Computer
Alternate option if you have access to a second system:
- On the second system, open Revit.
- Sign into your own Autodesk Account.
- Open the problematic model.
- Copy the newly created CollaborationCache files from the second system to the original system (overwriting).
- Note: All Cache files need to be copied.
Revit Product Family; Revit Cloud Worksharing;