How to work with multiple versions of Revit installed on one system

Autodesk Support

May 22, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to work with Revit files when there are multiple versions of Revit installed?


As noted in the article Is it possible to have multiple versions of Autodesk software installed on a computer, multiple versions of Autodesk software (and specifically Revit) can be installed at the same time on a system, and this can require some different workflows for opening models.


Use Open Dialog

Instead of double-clicking on RVT files, the best practice is to always open a file from Revit:
  1. Open the desired version of Revit
  2. Go to the Open Dialog
  3. Select the model to open and Open.

Identifying RVT Version

If you are not sure of the RVT file version use one of the following workflows to find this:


Revit Product Family;

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