How to locate locally cached files in Autodesk Fusion

Autodesk Support

Jan 21, 2025

Products and versions covered


Experiencing difficulties locating a design or would like to know where the locally cached Fusion designs are stored on computer's hard drive.


One way to look through the locally cached files is to enter the offline mode:

  1. How to work in offline mode in Fusion.
  2. While working in offline mode, the Data Panel Data panel icon  will allow you to view into your locally cached files.

The files can also be found on the local hard drive:

  1. On the hard drive, locally cached files are stored in the following directories
  2. In the W.Login directory you will find several folders.
    • F - this is the locally cached files stored on your system.
    • Q - this is the directory where files waiting to be uploaded are stored, also known as the "upload queue".
  3. In this directory you will find F3D (Fusion Designs). Look at the beginning of the file name for the corresponding design's name.
Folder directory
  1. Once you locate the design in your local cache or upload Q, you can make a copy of that archive (F3D) file.

Note: Review the Fusion application log files for a history of actions done to the local files and what has been synced to the cloud. See: How to manually collect the log files for Autodesk Fusion.





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