건축, 엔지니어링, 건설

Revit, AutoCAD, Civil 3D를 포함하는 통합된 BIM 도구
제품 설계 및 제조

Inventor와 AutoCAD에 포함된 전문가용 CAD/CAM 도구
미디어 및 엔터테인먼트

3ds Max 및 Maya를 포함하는 엔터테인먼트 컨텐츠 제작 도구
Revit, AutoCAD, Civil 3D를 포함하는 통합된 BIM 도구
Inventor와 AutoCAD에 포함된 전문가용 CAD/CAM 도구
3ds Max 및 Maya를 포함하는 엔터테인먼트 컨텐츠 제작 도구
Autodesk Support
2025년 2월 18일
다루는 제품 및 버전
DBG_INFO: An active transaction phase on the stack while UndoMgr has no transaction currently open!: line 5159 of E:\Ship23.0.1\2023_px64\Source\Revit\RevitDB\Undo\UndoMgr.cpp. DBG_WARN: rollBackSubTransaction_() called while undoing!: line 2548 of E:\Ship23.0.1\2023_px64\Source\Revit\RevitDB\Undo\UndoMgr.cpp. DBG_INFO: UndoMgr stacking is out of synch in SubTransaction::rollBack(): line 143 of E:\Ship23.0.1\2023_px64\Source\Revit\RevitDB\Undo\SubTransaction.cpp. DBG_WARN: Catch executed: line 1062 of E:\Ship23.0.1\2023_px64\Source\Revit\RevitDB\Undo\UndoTransaction.cpp. DBG_INFO: Exception thrown from requestFinishTransaction. Acquiring the proxy back and re-throwing the exception to the upper caller.: line 1071 of E:\Ship23.0.1\2023_px64\Source\Revit\RevitDB\Undo\UndoTransaction.cpp. captureTryCrash 0xc0000005 ' 2:< Exception occurred during Revit crash protection. UI might be locked. Unsaved document changes might be lost.
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