Export the storyboard to a video


Now, at the end of all this, as you are putting all the shots that you think are important to explain the project,


you can come down here to translate this out as a video.


If you click on that button,


it gives you several different formats that you can encode to and where you want the file stored,


and then create a video by clicking "Record".

Video transcript


Now, at the end of all this, as you are putting all the shots that you think are important to explain the project,


you can come down here to translate this out as a video.


If you click on that button,


it gives you several different formats that you can encode to and where you want the file stored,


and then create a video by clicking "Record".

Task: Create Visualization Storyboards in InfraWorks

  1. Open InfraWorks
  2. In the Present/Share ribbon > Present panel select the Create Storyboard tool.
  3. In the Storyboard icon bar select the Add a New Camera Path Animation drop-down and choose Create from Component Road.
  4. Select the component road.
  5. In the Create Camera Path from Component Road dialog
  6. Camera Position Offset set Horizontal Offset: 6 ft and Vertical Offset: 3 ft
  7. Target Position Offset set Horizontal Offset: 6 ft and Vertical Offset: 3 ft
  8. In Advanced Settings set the speed to 45.
  9. Click Create.
  10. In the Storyboard panel click the green Play arrow. Watch some of the road storyboard. Hit the green Stop icon.
  11. In the storyboard keyframes scroll the blue play bar until it is just before the bridge. Double-click on the keyframe timeline to advance the red start-position bar to this time.
  12. Hit the green play button and let it play until the camera is over the bridge.
  13. Select an individual keyframe after the blue play-bar has stopped and hit the <DELETE> key. Keep hitting the <DELETE> key to remove keyframes at the end of the storyboard. When all of the end keyframes are removed the entire storyboard timeline will end at the last full keyframe.
  14. In the model area orbit, zoom, and pan until the camera is on the east side of the bridge looking west along the road before the bridge. Make sure the bridge is leaving the right side of the screen (roughly).
  15. In the Storyboard icon bar select the Animation Tools drop-down.
  16. Select the Add Still Motion tool.
  17. In the Keyframe Properties panel (to the right of the storyboard) change the transition to Fade from Black.
  18. Change the Duration to 1 second.
  19. In the Storyboard icon bar select the Animation Tools drop-down.
  20. Select the Look Around tool.
  21. In the Keyframe properties panel change the angle to Angle Right, and the angle setting to 100 degrees, the Angle Up to 20 degrees.
  22. Change the Duration to 4 seconds.
  23. Hit the green Play arrow to watch this animation.
  24. In the Keyframe properties panel change the Look Around parameters for Angle Right amount and the Angle Up amount. Click Play again to review the change.
  25. In the Model area orbit, pan, and zoom to the west of the bridge below the road, focused on the piers.
  26. In the Storyboard icon bar select the Animation Tools drop-down.
  27. Select the Add Crane Animation tool.
  28. In the Keyframe properties panel set the
  29. Transition to Fade from Black
  30. Type to Crane Up
  31. Distance: 200 ft
  32. Distance Back 20 ft.
  33. In the Storyboard scrub back to a few seconds before the end of the component road and double-click in the timeline to move the red start position bar there.
  34. Click the Green Play arrow to play the remainder of the storyboard. Notice the new transitions you have just added.
  35. Close the Storyboard panel.
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