Create plan and profile sheets from view frames


I am going to create the sheets from these frames as they are located.


Again, hitting "Save" before we start the process.


I come up to the Planned Production panel again, and choose "Create sheets".


And then we're going to go through and pick the view frame I believe there's only the one that we've created here.


I'm going to use all the frames or I'll go into selection and I'm going to turn off that last one.


So, it's the eighth one.


I want to highlight all the ones that I want to use.


So, I'm going to leave a-- I'll click "OK".


I'm going to come down here.


In this case, I am going to create these in the current drawing file,


but you could create them in a new drawing maybe as many as 10 per new drawing or that type of thing.


I'm going to do this so that we can see this file all together.


But you can create it in a new file if you need to.


This is the sheet layout name, and the North arrow that will rotate as North per these sheets here.


The sheet said I don't have created yet, so I am going to call this the Park Bridge sheet set.


It is in this folder location where our project is,


and I am also going to go into the settings of the profile view wizard and make sure how is it going to handle--


We've got a lot of elevation difference in this.


So, I want to make sure how it's going to handle that, and it will split this at the exact station.


So, I'll click "Finish" and "Create Sheets".


It says it's going to save the file, which is good, we want that.


I'll click "OK".


And now it's asking for the profile view origin.


I'm going to left click that somewhere to the East and usually, a little bit to the North,


so that it doesn't over strike information that's already in the file.


Now it also has created our sheet set and entered that information there.


I'm going to change, under the Park Bridge project there's the BFG 19.


I'm going to right click on that name and change, rename the subset to be land and profile.


And then as I Zoom in here, you'll see that the profiles from the panel profiles don't have a grid.


That's just a graphic anomaly.


I'm just going to type REA for regional to reach on my screen and then I'll get my frames.


But you can also see how much of the information here is.


Let's look at this view right here.


We've got quite a bit of information available on splitting here because of that hard slope.

Video transcript


I am going to create the sheets from these frames as they are located.


Again, hitting "Save" before we start the process.


I come up to the Planned Production panel again, and choose "Create sheets".


And then we're going to go through and pick the view frame I believe there's only the one that we've created here.


I'm going to use all the frames or I'll go into selection and I'm going to turn off that last one.


So, it's the eighth one.


I want to highlight all the ones that I want to use.


So, I'm going to leave a-- I'll click "OK".


I'm going to come down here.


In this case, I am going to create these in the current drawing file,


but you could create them in a new drawing maybe as many as 10 per new drawing or that type of thing.


I'm going to do this so that we can see this file all together.


But you can create it in a new file if you need to.


This is the sheet layout name, and the North arrow that will rotate as North per these sheets here.


The sheet said I don't have created yet, so I am going to call this the Park Bridge sheet set.


It is in this folder location where our project is,


and I am also going to go into the settings of the profile view wizard and make sure how is it going to handle--


We've got a lot of elevation difference in this.


So, I want to make sure how it's going to handle that, and it will split this at the exact station.


So, I'll click "Finish" and "Create Sheets".


It says it's going to save the file, which is good, we want that.


I'll click "OK".


And now it's asking for the profile view origin.


I'm going to left click that somewhere to the East and usually, a little bit to the North,


so that it doesn't over strike information that's already in the file.


Now it also has created our sheet set and entered that information there.


I'm going to change, under the Park Bridge project there's the BFG 19.


I'm going to right click on that name and change, rename the subset to be land and profile.


And then as I Zoom in here, you'll see that the profiles from the panel profiles don't have a grid.


That's just a graphic anomaly.


I'm just going to type REA for regional to reach on my screen and then I'll get my frames.


But you can also see how much of the information here is.


Let's look at this view right here.


We've got quite a bit of information available on splitting here because of that hard slope.

Try it: Plan Profile Sheet Creation in Civil 3D

  1. In Civil 3D create a new drawing file. Save the file as C:\Civil3D Projects\Park Bridge Project \Plan Profile Sheets.dwg.
  2. In the Toolspace > Prospector tab > Data Shortcuts area > expand Surfaces, and right-click on AIW_Exisitng_Ground and choose Create Reference.
  3. In the Create Surface dialog select in the style row to open the access ellipsis, then select the ellipsis button next to the Surface Style.
  4. In the Style Chooser select Border Only. Click OK back to create the surface.
  5. In the Toolspace > Prospector tab > Data Shortcuts area > expand Alignments > Centerline Alignments > right-click on Park Bridge Road and choose Create Reference.
  6. In the Create Alignment Reference dialog click OK.
  7. In the Toolspace > Prospector tab > Data Shortcuts area > expand Alignments > Centerline Alignments > expand Park Bridge > expand Profiles and right-click on Park Bridge and choose Create Reference.
  8. In the Create Profile Reference dialog change the Profile Style to Design Profile. Click OK.
  9. In the Toolspace > Prospector tab > Data Shortcuts area > expand the Corridors area and right-click on Park Bridge Road and choose Create Reference.
  10. In the Create Corridor from Reference dialog click OK.
  11. Zoom Extents.
  12. In the Output ribbon > Plan Production panel > select Create View Frames.
  13. In the tab section on the left go to the Sheets tab.
  14. Under Template for Plan and Profile Sheet click the ellipsis button.
  15. Make sure the ARCH D Plan and Profile 50 Scale is selected. Click OK.
  16. In the tab area on the left select Match Lines.
  17. Set the Positioning to 10, and make sure the Allow Additional Distance…. Is ON and set to 50.
  18. Click Create View Frames.
  19. Inspect the view frames and match lines to make sure they overlay the project appropriately.
  20. In the Output ribbon > Create Sheets panel select Create Sheets.
  21. Under Layout Creation set the All Layouts in the current drawing. Click Next.
  22. Under Sheet Set > New Sheet Set: change the name to Park Bridge Project Sheet Set.
  23. In Sheet Set Storage Location click the ellipsis button and browse to C:\Civil 3D Projects\Park Bridge Project. Click Open.
  24. Click Create Sheets.
  25. Click OK when prompted to Save the File. Browse to C:\Civil 3D Project\Park Bridge Project and set the name.
  26. Select a point to the east and north of the project area as the origin for the profile views. This point will be the lower left of the profile view array.
  27. At the command line type REA (the REGENALL command).
  28. Open the layout tabs, starting with Sheet (1) and paging through each until you find the tab that has a profile view with missing information.
  29. Double-click in the layout viewport for the profile view to activate it.
  30. In the status bar below the drafting area unlock this viewport and pan the viewport straight down until the profile view is centered and at the bottom of the viewport. Lock the view port.
  31. Select the profile view that has missing information and choose Profile View Properties from the context ribbon.
  32. Switch to the Elevation tab. Under Split Profile View switch to Manual.
  33. Change the Height setting to something large enough to fill the layout viewport (try 40). Click Apply to see the change and make further adjustments as needed.
  34. There should be two rows (or more) of information for the first row. Click in the Adjusted Datum value field and change the elevation to something close to 3800. This elevation may differ depending on the project data and location. Adjust this number until the profile appears and is better centered in the profile view.
  35. Click OK and then click outside the viewport to deactivate it.


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