Navigating Around a 3D Shared View in Autodesk Viewer.
In this exercise you will navigate around a 3D view in the Autodesk Viewer. You will use mouse tools, the ViewCube and First Person to walk-through the model.
You need to have access to a shared view to work through these steps. If you have not created a shared view in the previous practice do that now. If you do not have access to Revit, ask someone who does to create a shared view for you. You can use any project and the project used here is also available through the course dataset.
- Open the Small Medical Center shared view through Revit or through a link that was shared with you.
- This opens the default web browser with the Autodesk Viewer and the shared view.
- First you want to try out typical mouse moves:
- Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
- Press the right mouse button to pan from side to side.
- Press the left mouse button to orbit around the model.
- In the upper right corner, click on the ViewCube to see the Top view.
- Click on other parts of the ViewCube to see those views as well, such as the Front view shown below.
- Beside the ViewCube, click the Home icon. This returns the view to its original position.
- In the bar at the bottom of the screen, click Fit. This fits the view to the size of the open window.
- Click Home and it returns to the original view.
- Orbit is the default tool. The mouse moves outlined above are available when this is active.
- Zoom in on the building using the scroll wheel of the mouse.
- Click Pan and use the left mouse button to pan around the view.
- Click Zoom and use the left mouse button to zoom in and out of the view.
- Click Home.
- Click First Person. This brings up the information about how to use these tools. Read through them and then click Ok, Got It when you are ready to proceed.
- Use the various First Person tools to navigate around and in the building. If you get stuck return to Home and try again.
- Finish your test of first person in the reception area.