Export point cloud extraction and import it to Civil 3D

The last and final step of utilizing your point cloud in InfraWorks is to export that data into Civil 3D. After you extract a terrain and features (vertical and linear) from point cloud data, you can export these features for use in other products, such as Autodesk Civil 3D. We can export data in multiple formats:
• Vertical and linear features: Shapefile (SHP) format.
• Vertices data for transverse lines: CSV file.
Note: Each linear feature line style is assigned a feature code. When exporting linear features, this code is used to set the line style in the target application, such as Autodesk Civil 3D. You can modify the feature code if need by double-clicking the line style on the “Linear Feature” tab of the “Style Palette”.
In an InfraWorks model where we have already performed the analysis and extracted features, we are ready to export. Here’s how:
1. Select the Manage tab of the InfraWorks Ribbon and select th Point Clouds panel.

2. Select “Export Point Cloud...” from the bottom of the drop down. 
3. A window titled “Export Point Cloud Extraction” will appear. You have the option to export only ground grid points, extract certain features and save the folder in a specific place. For our example, we will extract everything and select “Start Export”.
4. Open your File Explorer to see your exported files. You’ll find files for your grid points, linear features and vertical features.
5. Now, in Civil 3D, select “Insert” from the top of the screen and click “Attach” from the “Point Cloud” panel.
6. In the “Select Point Cloud File” window, select the RCS that you just exported from InfraWorks and hit “OK”.
Here you’ll see your point cloud – a cleaned up, simplified surface that is ready to be turned into a Civil 3D surface.
7. Select the point cloud and click “Create Surface from Point Cloud” at the top of the screen.
8. In the “Create TIN Surface from Point Cloud” window that appears, name the surface and hit “Next”.
9. Click “Create Surface”. Once it loads, you’ll be able to see the surface.
10. Now freeze it so we can bring in the linear features. Drag and drop the linear feature Shapefile into Civil 3D. you’ll now be able to see all of your feature lines have been brought in.
You can now use these features and add them to your surface, use them as alignments and more.
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