Access and view your assets using the features available on the Assets Tab - Quiz

Access and view your assets using the features available on the Assets Tab - Quiz

Required for course completion

15 questions

The Assets Tab was designed to:

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You can think of Groups as fitting in between the Company level and Production level and Production level.

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Permissions or settings can be applied or adjusted at the Group level.

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Folders can be used to:

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The color palette located at the bottom of the settings summary section serves for visual identification of your folders and productions.

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You can upload a poster for your Production to add a personalized touch to the Assets Tab.

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The Connectivity Status Check panel only serves as a speed test.

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The platform empowers you with flexibility in how your folders and assets are showcased within the selected production, by offering three distinct views.

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When you have a folder opened on the Assets Tab, you have the flexibility of sorting your assets within your batches by two different parameters: Name, or Date of Upload.

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Whenever assets are uploaded, they must be added to either an existing batch or a new batch.

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Batches can be used:

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When you're inside a folder, you can select a single asset, or multiple assets at a time, to delete them, create playlinks, add to playlists, and more.

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You cannot delete multiple assets or batches at the same time.

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You don't need to have Downloader's permission to download from the Assets Tab.

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If you have a high enough permission set, you'll also be given the option to download either watermarked files, or clean, non-watermarked files.

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