Share content with others via Playlinks - Summary

You have finished this lesson! Here are the major takeaways:

  • We showed you how to create a new Playlink, so you'll be able to set restrictions and select options for those assets based on your specific needs.
  • We went over how to add the specific assets you want to include in your new Playlink.
  • We discussed the three options for adding participants you'd like to send the Playlink to, and how to remove them.
  • We showed you how to use your available sending options, so your Playlink will be sent automatically to the recipients you selected.
  • We explored the different Playlink access types, giving you the flexibility to define the security level for your Playlinks using the Playlink access type drop down found on the options tab.
  • We went through your recipient viewing options available which allow you the ability to shape how recipients interact with your Playlinks and add extra layers of security to your content.
  • We showed you how to use the Overview tab for previewing, saving, and sending to allow you to either preview your Playlink, save it as a draft to be edited later, or send the Playlink to the recipients you've selected.
  • We showed you how to use the different Playlink status types when you access the Playlink panel to notify your team when needed.
  • We went over how to duplicate, edit, and resend Playlinks, so you don’t always have to create new.
  • We helped you understand the Viewed status when navigating the platform, so you can easily keep track of which recipients have viewed it and which ones haven't.
  • We dove into Playlink watermarking which offers you flexibility in how you want your watermarks to appear on your content.

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