Create a milling setup


In this video, we're going to create a milling setup.


After completing this step, you'll be able to create a new setup for milling to find stock size and define a coordinate system location.


In fusion 360, we want to get started with the gear housing for CNC mail data set.


We're going to navigate to the manufacturer workspace and we're gonna start by changing our units to inch.


The next thing that we want to do is create a setup.


The setup is going to be the definition of where a coordinate system is, our stock and basic parameters of the entire setup of tool paths.


In order to do this, I want to note that we have a milling, returning an additive and inspection in a fabrication section at the top.


Each of these have their own new setup and while all of the new setups are correct,


it's important to note that when you're creating a new setup, if you're on the turning tab, it will default to turning or mill turn.


We want to make sure that we are using the operation set to milling as a start.


We'll also note as we rotate this around that it's showing a lot of stock on the screen.


We don't want to machine everything that's included inside of the gear housing.


When we expand this,


you'll note that there is a front cover but there's also a front housing and a back housing which is still in this design but hidden.


Also note that we have the fixture in this design, which we're not going to be worrying about in this video.


So the first thing that I want to do is I'm going to select the model and I'm going to select just the front cover.


This brings the stock a little bit closer to the correct size.


Next I'm going to change the orientation so that I'm setting my Z-axis and my X-axis.


I can do this by selecting a default axis. I can select an edge or even a face on the part.


If I select the face, notice that Z is normal. If I rotate this around my Z and my X are correct.


However, I do want to move it to a different corner and I can do that by selecting a stock box point.


I'll put it in this upper left hand corner and if I view this from a front view,


notice that now X and Y are in that orientation in the upper left hand corner,


and Z is pointing up because we're going to start by facing this part and drilling and tapping these holes.


The next thing that we can do is we can navigate to the stock tab and we can define the stock size.


We can use relative based on the size of our part and just simply add a little bit to each side.


Or we can use some of the other options such as from solid or fixed sized box.


In our case, we're going to use a fixed size box. It's going to be 4.5 inches by 3 inches by 30.375.


When we modify this Z value 2.375, we want to view it from the side to make sure that we do have enough stock.


Notice that right now the model position is centered.


If we were to modify this, what it means is that the offset of the Z value can be offset from the top or bottom or the model origin.


For our purposes, we're going to use centered which will leave the same amount of stock on the top and the bottom.


It gives us our model dimensions and we can see make sure and validate that we are larger than our model.


The next thing that we need to do is set up the program number.


It's going to be 1001 which is the default value but in general when you're setting up a program name or number,


there is going to be some convention that you follow in your own shop.


We're going to use this default number and we're going to increment it for each new set up.


Or comment is going to be gear housing set up one.


The WCS offset is going to be the number one and we're not going to worry about multiple WCS offsets just yet.


The number one in this case is going to represent G 54 for us.


I do want to make one final note about the setup and if we go into our user preferences and into the manufactured general,


notice that there are several different things that we can toggle on or off to display in our browser.


By default it's going to show the tool number, cycle type, manual N.C. Pattern type and highlight tool paths in the canvas.


These are all default settings but we can modify it to show other values such as tool description and work offset and spindle.


We're not going to be worrying about showing those values but I just want to note that you can configure what you see in the setup.


I'm going to minimize the model noting that we've now created are set up.


I'm going to select the upper right hand corner of my view cube and I want to create a new view.


This new view is going to be representative of a named view.


So I can right click on my name view folder and I can create a new named view, and I'm going to rename it part up1 ISO.


This allows me to go back to that at any point in time. If I simply rotate the model and I click on it, it's going to bring me back to that view.


This is very handy, especially when we're creating multiple setups and we need to flip the part over to have a default view that we can go back to.


At this point, let's make sure that we do save this design before moving on.

Video transcript


In this video, we're going to create a milling setup.


After completing this step, you'll be able to create a new setup for milling to find stock size and define a coordinate system location.


In fusion 360, we want to get started with the gear housing for CNC mail data set.


We're going to navigate to the manufacturer workspace and we're gonna start by changing our units to inch.


The next thing that we want to do is create a setup.


The setup is going to be the definition of where a coordinate system is, our stock and basic parameters of the entire setup of tool paths.


In order to do this, I want to note that we have a milling, returning an additive and inspection in a fabrication section at the top.


Each of these have their own new setup and while all of the new setups are correct,


it's important to note that when you're creating a new setup, if you're on the turning tab, it will default to turning or mill turn.


We want to make sure that we are using the operation set to milling as a start.


We'll also note as we rotate this around that it's showing a lot of stock on the screen.


We don't want to machine everything that's included inside of the gear housing.


When we expand this,


you'll note that there is a front cover but there's also a front housing and a back housing which is still in this design but hidden.


Also note that we have the fixture in this design, which we're not going to be worrying about in this video.


So the first thing that I want to do is I'm going to select the model and I'm going to select just the front cover.


This brings the stock a little bit closer to the correct size.


Next I'm going to change the orientation so that I'm setting my Z-axis and my X-axis.


I can do this by selecting a default axis. I can select an edge or even a face on the part.


If I select the face, notice that Z is normal. If I rotate this around my Z and my X are correct.


However, I do want to move it to a different corner and I can do that by selecting a stock box point.


I'll put it in this upper left hand corner and if I view this from a front view,


notice that now X and Y are in that orientation in the upper left hand corner,


and Z is pointing up because we're going to start by facing this part and drilling and tapping these holes.


The next thing that we can do is we can navigate to the stock tab and we can define the stock size.


We can use relative based on the size of our part and just simply add a little bit to each side.


Or we can use some of the other options such as from solid or fixed sized box.


In our case, we're going to use a fixed size box. It's going to be 4.5 inches by 3 inches by 30.375.


When we modify this Z value 2.375, we want to view it from the side to make sure that we do have enough stock.


Notice that right now the model position is centered.


If we were to modify this, what it means is that the offset of the Z value can be offset from the top or bottom or the model origin.


For our purposes, we're going to use centered which will leave the same amount of stock on the top and the bottom.


It gives us our model dimensions and we can see make sure and validate that we are larger than our model.


The next thing that we need to do is set up the program number.


It's going to be 1001 which is the default value but in general when you're setting up a program name or number,


there is going to be some convention that you follow in your own shop.


We're going to use this default number and we're going to increment it for each new set up.


Or comment is going to be gear housing set up one.


The WCS offset is going to be the number one and we're not going to worry about multiple WCS offsets just yet.


The number one in this case is going to represent G 54 for us.


I do want to make one final note about the setup and if we go into our user preferences and into the manufactured general,


notice that there are several different things that we can toggle on or off to display in our browser.


By default it's going to show the tool number, cycle type, manual N.C. Pattern type and highlight tool paths in the canvas.


These are all default settings but we can modify it to show other values such as tool description and work offset and spindle.


We're not going to be worrying about showing those values but I just want to note that you can configure what you see in the setup.


I'm going to minimize the model noting that we've now created are set up.


I'm going to select the upper right hand corner of my view cube and I want to create a new view.


This new view is going to be representative of a named view.


So I can right click on my name view folder and I can create a new named view, and I'm going to rename it part up1 ISO.


This allows me to go back to that at any point in time. If I simply rotate the model and I click on it, it's going to bring me back to that view.


This is very handy, especially when we're creating multiple setups and we need to flip the part over to have a default view that we can go back to.


At this point, let's make sure that we do save this design before moving on.

Video quiz

Which of the following is defined in a new milling setup?

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