Assigning check valves for a steady state analysis


You can define pipes in a model to be open or closed, and whether or not they contain check valves to allow only a unidirectional flow.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, click Initialize.
    The InfoWater Pro tab of the ribbon with Initialize called out as being selected
  3. From the Contents pane, right-click PressureZones and select Symbology.
    The Contents pane, displaying the PressureZones shortcut menu and Symbology called out for selection
  4. In the Symbology pane, expand Primary symbology and select Unique Values.
    The Symbology – PressureZones panel, with the Primary symbology drop-down expanded and Unique Values being selected
  5. In the Symbology – PressureZones panel, expand the Field 1 drop-down and select ZONE.
  6. Note the four colors that represent the four pressure zones.
    The Symbology – PressureZones panel, with Field1 set to Zone and the four pressure zones and corresponding color code highlighted
  7. Zoom out and pan the model to view all four zones.
  8. Locate the 3 locations where the system connects pressure zones 2 and 3.
    The Map View, showing the four pressure zones color-coded, with the three locations where pipes overlap between pressure zones 2 and 3 highlighted with red circles

The very north has a pressure reducing valve, or PRV, that reduces the pressure as flow goes from zone 3 to zone 2. The other locations have open pipes connecting the pressure zones. These pipes either need check valves, or they need to be closed to prevent water from rushing out of zone 3.

  1. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Edit panel, click Select.
  2. In the model, zoom into pipe 8285.
  3. Draw a selection window around pipe 8285.
    A zoomed-in view of the selection of pipe 8285, where it overlaps between pressure zones 2 and 3
  4. In the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, expand the Tools drop-down and select Initial Status.
    The Model Explorer, with the Tools drop-down expanded and Initial Status being selected
  5. In the Pipe Initial Status dialog box, set Initial Status Options to Closed.
  6. Click Create.
    The Pipe Initial Status dialog box, with Closed enabled and Create being clicked
  7. In the model, select pipe 12415.
  8. In the Model Explorer, set Check Valve to Yes.
    The Model Explorer showing attributes for pipe 12415 and that it now has a check valve
  9. From the Model Explorer toolbar, click Save.

Once you have finished assigning check valves to the pipes, it is good practice (though, not required) to run a special query and verify the changes you just made.

  1. On the ArcGIS Pro ribbon, Map tab, Navigate panel, click Full Extent.
    The ArcGIS Pro ribbon, Map tab, Navigate panel, with Full Extent highlighted
  2. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Domain panel, click Domain Manager.
  3. In the Domain Manager dialog box, select Special Query.
  4. In the Special Query drop-downs, select Pipes and Check Valves.
  5. Click Add.
    The Domain Manager, with the Special Query active and set to Pipes and Check Valves, and the Add button called out
  6. In the model, locate pipe 12415 and notice that it is highlighted.
  7. To remove the query, in the Domain Manager, click Remove.
    The Domain Manager, with Remove called out for selection so that a new query can be performed
  8. In the Special Query drop-downs, select Pipes and Initially Closed.
  9. Click Add.
  10. In the model, locate pipe 8285 and notice that it is highlighted.
  11. In the Domain Manager, click Remove.
  12. Close the Domain Manager.