Create publish sets in Autodesk Revit

Exercise: Create Publish Sets in Autodesk Revit

Task 1: Open Cloud-Workshared Revit Model

  1. Start Revit.
  2. From the Home Screen, click Autodesk Docs and then navigate to your ACC account, project, and the folder where the Revit file is saved.
  3. Click on the Revit file to open it, as shown in the image below.

Task 2: Create Publish Sets

  1. From the Collaborate tab > Manage Models panel, click Publish Settings, as shown below.

  1. Create New Set to add a new publish set.

Tip: You can click the Preview button on the lower right to expand the dialog box and preview the sheets and views, as shown in the figure below.

  1. Rename the publish set.
  2. From the Edit Set area, select the views and sheets to be included in the new publish set.
  3. Make sure you select the check box on the left of the new publish set name, as shown in the figure below.

Tip: All the publish sets that have their check boxes selected will be included with the published model for viewing on Docs and for sharing through Design Collaboration.

  1. Click Save & Close to save the publish sets.

Task 3: Syncing with the Cloud Central

  1. From the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of the Revit window, click Synchronize and Modify Settings; the Synchronize with Central dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter the description of the changes made to the model, as shown in the figure below.

  1. Click OK to synchronize the model with the cloud central.

Task 4: Publishing the Latest Model

  1. Close the current Reivt file to return to the Home Screen.
  2. From the top right, click Refresh the current project to refresh the window.
  3. Once the refresh is completed, select the check box on the left of the name of the Revit model.
  4. From the top of the window, click Publish, as shown below.

  1. In the Publish to the Cloud window, click Publish again to start the process of publishing the latest model to Docs.
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