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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
Organizing Schedules for Clarification and Analysis.
In this video, we'll modify an existing Schedule using the options in the Schedule Properties tabs,
to organize it and make it more understandable.
Then we will duplicate the Schedule and use Conditional Formatting to analyze which systems are and are not working in a project.
I'm working in the Small Medical Center project in the Duct System Schedule View that was created in an earlier video.
The Schedule is not in a very useful order and therefore, not very effective.
After building a Schedule, you can modify it in the Properties.
You can see I have Filter, Field, Sorting and Grouping, Formatting, Appearance and Embedded Schedules.
I'm going to click on the "Fields Edit" button and it opens the Schedule Properties dialog box.
And here again, are all the various tabs.
Let's say I wanted to add the comments. And I can quickly add a field into the comments, and it adds it into my schedule.
Now I want to actually do a little bit more work.
First, let's look at Filter.
I can choose from any of the fields that are already applied.
For example, if I wanted to have this be just an Exhaust System Schedule,
I could choose "System Classification" and then specify that I'm only looking at that one.
In this case, I want to see all my systems.
So, I'm going to move to the "Sorting and Groupings" tab.
And here I'm going to start my sorting by System Classification and I'm going to apply a Header.
Next, I want to use System Name.
This is always a great place to start, if for no other reason than to get the information in alphabetical or numerical order.
When I click "OK", you can now see the System Classifications are separated out into Exhaust, Return and Supply Air.
They're also in alphabetical order.
And if I take a look here, I can see this 22 is out of order and it's because it was misnamed.
And I can come in and change that so that I have the right name and have a hyphen 22, get it without the space in it.
And that gets all my Return Air Systems in alphabetical numerical order.
Now, I don't need the System Classifications column because I've added the headers.
So, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to right click on System Classification and then hide column and it's gone.
So I don't need to see that, but I am using it to group the information.
I'm going to now open my Mechanical Schedules tab.
You can see here on the Sheet that I actually,
although changes that were just made to the Schedule are also made to the Schedule on the Sheet.
So, I'm gonna go back to my Duct System Schedules tab and let's make another change.
This time I want to look at the Formatting Information.
You can always change the heading, heading orientation and the alignment of the headers.
So, that's all how to set that up.
Notice for example, System Classification has the Hidden field selected.
If you have a numerical field like the flow, then I can actually change the format of the field.
In this case, I'm just using the same as the existing.
And if I want to, I can also make some Conditional Format changes, which I'll show you in just a minute.
One quick thing, just to make sure you know, on the Appearance tab is where you set up how this looks on a sheet,
so you can have your thin lines, your grids, you can show headers.
Let's say you want to change the title text there, I'm gonna say set it to 1/4 inch aerial.
When I click “OK”, it shows in both my Schedule View, and when I go to my Sheet, you can see it also on the Sheet.
So, that's an additional modification that's important to know.
I now want to do some work for analysis, so I'm going to duplicate my Duct System Schedule, Duplicate View, Duplicate.
And then I'm going to change this to Duct System Analysis.
These are things I don't necessarily need to show on a sheet.
I might add some additional fields.
I'm going to go in now to Formatting and the Flow and click Conditional Format.
I'm going to select my Field as Flow, my Test to be less than or equal,
the value to be 0, and then I'm going to choose a color, red.
It's a pretty important one to know whether the flow is working or not.
And so there are issues in the system.
There is numerous places where the flow is 0.
So either no one has run analysis on these systems in the model or it's simply isn't modeled well,
whichever way it is, some work is needed in the model.
Now let's leverage some additional information about the systems creating another Conditional Format.
This one will help us find fragmented systems.
I'm going to set the number of elements equal to 1 and assign a different color.
And then click "OK", "OK" again, "OK" again.
And you can see that I have several systems where there is only one element,
which imply it could be that there's nothing connected to the system.
Now can leverage the information to clean up the systems.
I'm going to give you an example of just a simple one, and that's gonna be the Mechanical Exhaust System Air 2 that you can see right here.
I happen to know that this is a hot water heater that I need to connect into the Exhaust System.
So, I'm gonna go to the 02 Second Floor HVAC plan and zoom in on the hot water heater.
You can see it's not connected, there's no connection.
If I go to my Duct Systems, right now it's in Mechanical Exhaust Air 2.
So, I go back to my Modify Mechanical Equipment and you can see I have several options here.
I'm going to connect into and then I'm going to select Exhaust System and click "OK".
Then I'll click on the nearby exhaust.
There is a warning that comes up that it's may not be quite big enough.
Now, when I go back to the Duct System Analysis,
you can see that my number of elements in my DOA second floor system has increased to 32.
So you can continue to modify the elements in the project until all your issues are corrected.
Video transcript
Organizing Schedules for Clarification and Analysis.
In this video, we'll modify an existing Schedule using the options in the Schedule Properties tabs,
to organize it and make it more understandable.
Then we will duplicate the Schedule and use Conditional Formatting to analyze which systems are and are not working in a project.
I'm working in the Small Medical Center project in the Duct System Schedule View that was created in an earlier video.
The Schedule is not in a very useful order and therefore, not very effective.
After building a Schedule, you can modify it in the Properties.
You can see I have Filter, Field, Sorting and Grouping, Formatting, Appearance and Embedded Schedules.
I'm going to click on the "Fields Edit" button and it opens the Schedule Properties dialog box.
And here again, are all the various tabs.
Let's say I wanted to add the comments. And I can quickly add a field into the comments, and it adds it into my schedule.
Now I want to actually do a little bit more work.
First, let's look at Filter.
I can choose from any of the fields that are already applied.
For example, if I wanted to have this be just an Exhaust System Schedule,
I could choose "System Classification" and then specify that I'm only looking at that one.
In this case, I want to see all my systems.
So, I'm going to move to the "Sorting and Groupings" tab.
And here I'm going to start my sorting by System Classification and I'm going to apply a Header.
Next, I want to use System Name.
This is always a great place to start, if for no other reason than to get the information in alphabetical or numerical order.
When I click "OK", you can now see the System Classifications are separated out into Exhaust, Return and Supply Air.
They're also in alphabetical order.
And if I take a look here, I can see this 22 is out of order and it's because it was misnamed.
And I can come in and change that so that I have the right name and have a hyphen 22, get it without the space in it.
And that gets all my Return Air Systems in alphabetical numerical order.
Now, I don't need the System Classifications column because I've added the headers.
So, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to right click on System Classification and then hide column and it's gone.
So I don't need to see that, but I am using it to group the information.
I'm going to now open my Mechanical Schedules tab.
You can see here on the Sheet that I actually,
although changes that were just made to the Schedule are also made to the Schedule on the Sheet.
So, I'm gonna go back to my Duct System Schedules tab and let's make another change.
This time I want to look at the Formatting Information.
You can always change the heading, heading orientation and the alignment of the headers.
So, that's all how to set that up.
Notice for example, System Classification has the Hidden field selected.
If you have a numerical field like the flow, then I can actually change the format of the field.
In this case, I'm just using the same as the existing.
And if I want to, I can also make some Conditional Format changes, which I'll show you in just a minute.
One quick thing, just to make sure you know, on the Appearance tab is where you set up how this looks on a sheet,
so you can have your thin lines, your grids, you can show headers.
Let's say you want to change the title text there, I'm gonna say set it to 1/4 inch aerial.
When I click “OK”, it shows in both my Schedule View, and when I go to my Sheet, you can see it also on the Sheet.
So, that's an additional modification that's important to know.
I now want to do some work for analysis, so I'm going to duplicate my Duct System Schedule, Duplicate View, Duplicate.
And then I'm going to change this to Duct System Analysis.
These are things I don't necessarily need to show on a sheet.
I might add some additional fields.
I'm going to go in now to Formatting and the Flow and click Conditional Format.
I'm going to select my Field as Flow, my Test to be less than or equal,
the value to be 0, and then I'm going to choose a color, red.
It's a pretty important one to know whether the flow is working or not.
And so there are issues in the system.
There is numerous places where the flow is 0.
So either no one has run analysis on these systems in the model or it's simply isn't modeled well,
whichever way it is, some work is needed in the model.
Now let's leverage some additional information about the systems creating another Conditional Format.
This one will help us find fragmented systems.
I'm going to set the number of elements equal to 1 and assign a different color.
And then click "OK", "OK" again, "OK" again.
And you can see that I have several systems where there is only one element,
which imply it could be that there's nothing connected to the system.
Now can leverage the information to clean up the systems.
I'm going to give you an example of just a simple one, and that's gonna be the Mechanical Exhaust System Air 2 that you can see right here.
I happen to know that this is a hot water heater that I need to connect into the Exhaust System.
So, I'm gonna go to the 02 Second Floor HVAC plan and zoom in on the hot water heater.
You can see it's not connected, there's no connection.
If I go to my Duct Systems, right now it's in Mechanical Exhaust Air 2.
So, I go back to my Modify Mechanical Equipment and you can see I have several options here.
I'm going to connect into and then I'm going to select Exhaust System and click "OK".
Then I'll click on the nearby exhaust.
There is a warning that comes up that it's may not be quite big enough.
Now, when I go back to the Duct System Analysis,
you can see that my number of elements in my DOA second floor system has increased to 32.
So you can continue to modify the elements in the project until all your issues are corrected.
Organizing Schedules for Clarification and Analysis - Exercise
In this exercise you will modify an existing schedule using the options in the Schedule Properties tabs to organize it and make it more understandable. Then you will duplicate the schedule and use Conditional formatting to analyze which systems are and are not working in the project.
Task 1: Organize Schedule Information
1. Open the Small Medical Center-Flow.rvt project. It should open in the Duct System Schedule view.
2. In Properties, beside Fields click Edit…
3. In the Schedule Properties dialog box, Fields tab, in the Available Fields list select Comments and add it to the end of the Scheduled Fields, as shown below.
4. Click the Filter tab and expand the Filter by drop-down list. You can filter by any field that has been added to the schedule. Do not add a filter.
5. Click on the Sorting/Grouping tab.
6. Sort by System Classification and select Header and then by System Name, as shown below.
7. Click OK.
8. The elements are now grouped together by System Classification and the information is in alpha-numerical order as shown below.
9. Right-click on the System Classification column and click Hide Columns.
10. Review the System Names. Modify the name shown below on the left so that it fits in the right order, as shown on the right.
11.In Properties, beside Formatting, click Edit…
12.Review the information in the Formatting tab.
13.Select System Classification and notice that Hidden field is selected, as shown below.
14.Click on the Appearance tab, you can setup the look of the schedule on a sheet. For example, change the Title text to ¼” Arial, as shown below.
15.Click OK.3
16.The text size increase in the schedule view.
17.Open the M601 – Mechanical Schedules sheet. The title text size and order of the cells updated on the sheet as well.
Task 2: Format the schedule for analysis
1. In the Project Browser, right-click on Duct System Schedule and select Duplicate View>Duplicate.
2. Rename the new schedule Duct System Analysis.
3. Open Schedule Properties, Formatting tab.
4. In the Fields list, select Flow.
5. Select Conditional Format…
6. Set up the Condition: Flow Less Than or Equal to 0CFM and set the Background Color to Red, as shown below.
7. Click OK to close both dialog boxes.
8. There are numerous places where the Flow is 0. Either no one has run analysis on these systems in the model or it simply isn’t modeled very well. Whichever way it is, some work is needed in the model.
9. Create another Conditional Format where the Number of Elements is Equal To 1. Assign a different color, as shown below, and click OK to close the dialog boxes.
10.Review the systems and notice where the formatting displays potential issues, as shown below. For example, the Mechanical Exhaust Air 2 has only one element which is a Hot Water Heater.
11.Open Mechanical HVAC> Floor Plans< 02 2nd Floor HVAC Plan and zoom in on the hot water heater, as shown below. The Hot Water Heater is not connected into the 2nd floor exhaust system.
12.Select the Hot Water Heater, in the Modify | Mechanical Equipment tab, Layout panel click Connect Into.
13.In the Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 4: Exhaust Air, as shown below, and click OK.
14.Select the nearby exhaust duct (green).
15.The Hot Water Heater is connected to the duct, as shown below. A warning displays signifying there could be some issues with the connection. If you have time you can correct that issue.
16.Switch back to the schedule. You can see that the mechanical Exhaust Air 2 system is gone and the Number of Elements in DOAS Second Floor is now set to 32.
17.If you have time and knowledge of duct systems in Revit you can continue to modify the elements in the project until all the issues are corrected.
18.Save the project.
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