Creating Issues from Non-Conforming Items

Creating Issues from Non-Conforming Checklist Items – Practice Exercise

Task 1: Running the Checklist and Failing an Item
1. On the BIM 360 Mobile app, tap on the Checklists option on the bottom toolbar to display the checklists assigned to the current user, as shown in the following figure:

2. Tap on the checklist to run; it is opened in its window.

3. Tap to pass the items that conform to the required standards.

4. Tap to fail the non-conforming item. If the checklist was configured to create an automatic issue, it is displayed automatically below the non-conforming item, as shown in the following figure:



Task 2: Adding Description to the Non-Conforming Item Issue
1. Tap on the issue that is automatically created from the non-conforming item; it is opened in a window, as shown in the figure below:

2. Tap on Add photo and attach a photo to the issue.

3. Add additional details to the issue.

4. Tap somewhere outside to close the issue window.

5. Continue completing the checklist.

Task 3: Manually Creating Issues for the Checklists that do not allow Automatic Issue Creation on Non-Conforming Items
1. Tap on the checklist to run; it is opened in its window.

2. Tap to pass the items that conform to the required standards.

3. Tap to fail the non-conforming item. If the checklist was configured to create an automatic issue, it is displayed automatically below the non-conforming item, as shown in the following figure:

4. Enter the details of the issue and then create it.

5. Continue completing the checklist.