Understanding the team space

Initiate Revit cloud worksharing - Exercise

Note: Prior to beginning practice exercise, a demo account and project or a sandbox project within a corporate account will need setup, teams created, and users added (account admin actions).

Begin collaborating a discipline model in the BIM 360 Cloud

  1. Open one of the practice files from:
    1. 56750_Arch.rvt
    2. 56750_Mech.rvt
    3. 56750_Struct.rvt
  2. Save project 56750_(Discipline)_initials to local drive:
    1. Create Set with and give it a name.
    2. Select and add Views & Sheets to the Set.
    3. Save.
    4. Select Collaborate in Cloud.
    5. Choose an Account, Project, Correct Discipline Folder in Project Files.

    6. View in folder in Project Files > Team Folder (Document Management).
    7. View in Design Collaboration Team Space.
  3. Explore options with discipline WIP Project Model:
    1. Project Models
    2. Teams
    3. Phases
    4. Levels
    5. Content Browser
    6. Change Visualization (you won't see anything)
  4. Go back to your open model and make some minor changes:
    1. Modify and or Add Model elements.
    2. Create a new Set or Add to an Existing Set.
    3. Sync with Central (best practice even if not cloud worksharing – allows users to sync the workset they may be editing concurrently in the central model).
    4. Save.
    5. Go to Revit Home.

    6. Navigate to Team Folder (if needed).
    7. Publish Latest.
    8. Return to your Team Timeline, select the Latest Publish, and select Change Visualizer to compare the last two published Work in Progress model.