• InfoWater Pro

Adding modeling data manually

Manually add modeling data to previously added elements.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Once features like pumps and reservoirs have been added and digitized within a model, you can manually add modeling data to them, such as pump characteristic curves and reservoir heads.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, click Initialize.
    The InfoWater Pro tab of the ribbon with Initialize called out as being selected
  3. In the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Edit panel, click Select.
  4. In the model, select the previously digitized pump by drawing a selection window around P-160.
    A zoomed-in view of pump P-160 being selected in the model
  5. In the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, set Modeling Elevation to 5800 ft.
  6. Set the Diameter to 8.00 in.
  7. Set the Design Head to 60.00 ft.
  8. Set the Design Flow to 80.00 gpm.
    The Model Explorer, Attribute tab, populated with the data for pump P-160
  9. Select pump P-140.
  10. In The Model Explorer, Attribute tab, set Elevation to 00.
  11. Set the Diameter to 10.00 in.
  12. Set the Design Head to 250.00 ft.
  13. Set the Design Flow to 800.00 gpm.
    The Model Explorer, Attribute tab, populated with the data for pump P-140
  14. In the model, locate and select pump P-100.
  15. In the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, set the Elevation to 00 ft.
  16. Set the Diameter to 5870.00 in.
  17. Set the Design Head to 275.00 ft.
  18. Set the Design Flow to 2500.00 gpm.
  19. Repeat steps 14 – 18, using the same values for pump P-120.
    The Model Explorer, Attribute tab, populated with the data for pump P-120
  20. In the model, locate and select the reservoir WTP100.
  21. In the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, set the Type to 0: Fixed Head Reservoir.
  22. In the Head field, enter 5850.00 ft.
    The Model Explorer, Attribute tab, populated with the data for reservoir WTP100

The pump characteristic curves and reservoir head are assigned.

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