• Revit

Inserting and changing wall types

Substitute existing walls with a new wall type.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step guide

Substitute existing walls with a new wall type.

  1. Open the file W-Arch_C-Wall-Types_RVT2021.rvt, where a new wall type, Basic Wall: 8ʺ Insulated Stud, was previously created.
  2. Select one of the exterior walls.

In the Revit interface, in the Level 1 plan view, one of the exterior walls selected.

  1. Right-click and choose Select All Instances > In Entire Project.

In the context menu for the selected wall, Select All Instances highlighted, and in the flyout, In Entire Project selected.

  1. In the Properties palette, select the current wall type to expand the Type Selector.
  2. Select the wall type, such as Basic Wall: 8ʺ Insulated Stud.

In the Properties palette, in the Type Selector, the new wall type selected.

The selected walls update, but with no visible changes. The Detail Level is currently set to Coarse, so you do not see the layers.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Zoom in on one corner of the building.
  3. In the View Control Bar, change the Detail Level to Medium.

A zoomed-in view of a building corner, and in the View Control Bar, Detail Level expanded with Medium selected.

The layers in the wall now display.

In a zoomed-in view of the building corner, wall layers now display for the new wall type.

  1. Save the project.
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