Have you heard we have generative design in Fusion 360? I sure hope so, because it seems to be all we talk about these days! As we make more and more of these parts we’re learning heaps about how to go from those designs to manufacturable parts. Many times this requires adding material to the generative output, to allow for finish machining on interfaces, to meet tolerance requirements. To do this, I’ve been using ‘offset face’ from my press pull command about 50X a day.
With that said, I recently learned something about the settings contained within this tool that I wanted to share. So without further adieu, I present this week’s QUICK TIP:
Long story short, if your ‘offset face’ command doesn’t provide the geometry you’re after, check to see if adjusting the type will help; new offset will do very different things than modify existing.
I hope that helps! As always, many thanks for reading and/or watching.