& Construction

Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
& Manufacturing

Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
3 min read
FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community and news from the industry. New posts every Friday.
TIP – Make your Renderings Look More Realistic with Fusion 360
Learn more about how to get the most out of the recently introduced Camera Settings command.
TIP – Embed your Fusion 360 Designs on Facebook
Check out this video on how to embed your interactive 3D models on Facebook allowing others to interact with the model in real time.
USER SPOTLIGHT – January Model of the Month
Congratulations to Daniele, Carlos & Casey, the winners of the January Model of the Month! Learn more about them and how they used Fusion to design their Olsryd 9 cylinder radial engine.
ANNOUNCEMENT – Cradle to Cradle Product Design Challenge
Design an sustainable product using Fusion 360 for your chance to win up to 4K USD!
ANNOUNCEMENT – Hackster 3D CAD Initiative With Fusion 360
We’ve partnered with Hackster to help hardware hackers turn their ideas into marketable products.
ONLINE EVENT – Fusion 360 Live Classroom: The Basics
Join us on February 3rd at 1:00pm PST to learn how to get started using Fusion 360.
ONLINE EVENT – A New Way to Visualize Your Designs in Fusion 360!
Join us on Tuesday, February 3rd at 1:00 PST to learn how to turn your designs into life with the new Fusion 360
Interactive Rendering Beta.
LIVE EVENT – Design Differently with Autodesk Fusion 360
Are you in or around the Eugene, OR area? Join us at Lane Community College on February 18th at 6pm PST to get a hands on test drive of Fusion 360. RSVP to www.COATSKYLE@aol.com
We love to see what users are designing with Fusion360! Share your designs with the Fusion community on the Gallery.
Bike Stem by Jeff Hooper Electric RC Car by David Barrett Door Handle by Ratchanon Keawmanee
3D printers to make human body parts. It’s happening
Everything from prosthetic arms to spinal cord implants have been 3D printed. Are living human body parts next?
The Future of Wearables Isn’t a Connected Watch
Learn more about task-specific wearables that aren’t here to do everything well. They are here to do one thing well.
Internet of Things: What It Means for Designers and Their Companies
As web-connected products continue to grow in popularity, do we need to change our approach to product development?
BMW i8: Reviewing The Car Of Tomorrow
Check out more about the i8, BMW’s next gen car that can go from 0 to 60 in 4.4 seconds.
Swyp is yet another one-card wallet vying for your attention
Meet Swyp, a smart card with a screen that allows you to select the card you want by using its scroll buttons.
We take your suggestions very seriously so please share your ideas and vote for new features / enhancements to help us share future product updates.
We received 29 new ideas this week! Here are a few of them. Be sure to check them all out and vote for those you would like to see implemented. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions!
Splines that are controlled from vertexes
Accepted idea to have splines controlled with vertexes.
Product team – “Thank you for the idea submission. This is on our radar and we are working providing this functionality in the next couple of updates..”
Revamp how sketch constaints are displayed
Request to have the ability to hide sketch constraints and to show only associated sketch constraints when a sketch element is highlighted.
Annotate drawings to the ASME standard
Request to make drawings more robust by offering the ability to annotate drawings using the ASME or ISO standard.
Product team – “Thanks for the feedback. To reiterate the other threads concerning drawings, we do have a large team that is dedicated to bring the drawings workspace of Fusion 360 up to par with the community’s requests as fast as possible.”
Tell us about yourself
Have a story to share? We would love to hear more about you and how you’re using Fusion 360! Shoot me an email at shannon.mcgarry@autodesk.com
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