QUICK TIP: Mesh to Solid Reboot

Bryce Heventhal April 24, 2018

1 min read

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It’s not often that we remake an old QUICK TIP, but it’s not often that we get over ~55k views on one either! Seeing as our previous “Mesh to Solid” QUICK TIP did so well –and that part of it was getting out of date– we decided to devote some time to updating it. And, although a large portion of this video will be a repeat if you watched the last one, I made sure to add some new bits at the end. That said, I’ve often heard that  the best way to learn is through repetition, so I think it’s worth a couple minutes of your day for review, but if you want to skip ahead to the new sections, click here. To see the entire ‘rebooted’ tip, watch below:



If you were comparing between the first version and this one, I updated a portion that previously used a different technology to make the quad mesh (in fact, I directed you to a video devoted to this subject), and in the last section I covered the option to ‘convert meshes to b-rep’ right from the modeling browser! That option existed when I last made this a little more than a year ago today, but at the time I didn’t understand all the caveats that I mention in the video. I hope we can try to make this process a  more straightforward in the future, but for now remember the three rules mentioned:


  1. Turn design history off.
  2. Be in the modeling workspace.
  3. And make sure that mesh is under ~50k facets to be able to use this method successfully (or at all).


Many thanks for reading!





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