Hello 2021! Here comes Thin Extrude, Untrim Surface, Taper & Slope symbols, Break View preview, as well as a new Additive Simulation Extension.
With a total of 35 product updates and tons of new features in 2020, we made major strides in maturing the tools you need to be successful.
A revamped Chamfer tool, drawings welding symbols are here, a new Electronics schematic editor, Arrange is out of preview, and lots of new Manufacture tech now available to try.
This Fusion 360 product update includes important fixes in orbit navigation, electronics, and API.
Here's a detailed look at what the 10 document limit changing coming to the Fusion 360 for personal use offering will look like, explained in 7 steps.
V.2.0.9305 Modeling Some of you reported that the Measure tool did not show distance when you tried to measure a face to an origin plane. Sorry about this glitch; this has been fixed. Electronics carl.j.barker was working on his P3D CB when he encountered an issue where Fusion 360 failed to get the 3D package for IC_Logic > 74*32 > 74LS32N. Now the…
A guide of what's changing to Fusion 360 for personal use and what is remaining the same.
We made improvements to Joints, Electronics, Drawings, Generative Design, Manufacture, Additive, and API.
Summer is not over yet! We just dropped some heat; you now have access to Emboss, new Edit-in-Place options, Electronics enhancements, Section View Depth Control in Drawings, and more.
What's New
We pushed out a small product update today, which includes a number of bug fixes in Sketching, Electronics, Drawings, and Manufacture.
This product update Includes new tools like Ruled Surface, Parting Line Draft Mode, Electronics and Drawings enhancements, as well as new CAM tool library.
Here's what you've all been waiting for: the much anticipated Fusion 360 roadmap update is here, and it's filled to the brim with projects that'll enable you to achieve the new possible.
You can now create sketch geometry in 2D drawings, change line weights, and get easier access to your document and sheet settings. Check out the post for more details, along with new and improved features in other areas of Fusion 360.
The April product update is packed full of enhancements and new features, including the Manufacturing Extension, data management improvements, new generative design features, and collaboration enhancements. Read to find out about all of this product release.
Communities and companies around the globe are coming together to help combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) in incredible ways. Information, ideas and available resources are all evolving so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up. Below are some of the best resources we know of that we hope can help you find ways to get involved.