Elevate your design and manufacturing processes with Autodesk Fusion
I will keep this one short and sweet. You all were right; there is no reason why we shouldn’t have parity in Fusion 360 prices. I will admit it; it was too lame and a bit difficult to continue saying that the price for this new way of designing that leverages the cloud, still makes our cost of doing business in Europe, Japan and Australia so much higher that we had to charge 40% higher than US prices.
So, we are getting rid of this practice and you will just pay one price, converted to your local currency. In the US, you will continue paying $25/mo. and in EU countries for instance you will pay €20/mo. and UK £15/mo., you get the idea. We will continue having lower prices in emerging countries like China, India to make our software even more affordable.
We will continue to listen to you, that’s because Fusion 360 wouldn’t be what it is without your support and feedback.
When is this change effective?
This change will show up in less than a week on our e-stores by November 14th.
Look forward to your feedback.
Vikram Dutt
Fusion 360 Team