FusionNews for the week of 4/10: A weekly roundup of community + industry news

Shannon McGarry April 10, 2015

2 min read

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FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community and news from the industry. New posts every Friday.




From the Fusion Team


PRODUCT UPDATE – Render in the cloud from Fusion 360

Learn how you can now render your Fusion 360 models directly to Autodesk’s cloud based rendering service.


PRODUCT UPDATE – Quality Update – What it Fixes

See the list of areas and the issues we fixed in our quality update that went live on Wednesday.


TIP – Quickly sculpt and render a set of concept chairs in Fusion 360

Check out this video to see how make a few fast chair concepts using Fusion’s quick sculpting tools.


PARTNERSHIP – New Hardware Partner with Fusion 360

We’re partnering up with BOXZY to solve all your software and desktop machining needs. Free Fusion 360 for backers!




ONLINE EVENT – Fusion 360 Live Classroom: Make it with CAM

Join us on April 21st at 1pm PDT to learn how to get started with CAM for Fusion 360 for your 2-1/2 axis (2.5D) machining projects.


LIVE EVENT – Intro to Autodesk Fusion 360

If you’re in the New Orleans area, be sure to register for one of these classes being held at IDIYA.




LIVE EVENT – Hackster.io Hardware Weekend

Come celebrate the Hackster community & hack the future of Hardware at one of these Hackster.io Hardware Weekends events near you.


Gallery Spotlight

We love to see what you are designing with Fusion 360! Share your designs with the Fusion community on the Gallery.


Sailboat.png                TurboGenerator.png                BrainScanner.png

  3D Printable Sailboat by Jim Quanci           Turbo Generator by Ryan Bone          Brain Scanner by Kirill Chepizhko   



News from around the manufacturing innovation space


Amazon Dash Button: Finally, an Internet of Things device that is actually useful

Meet Dash, the handheld device that can place orders for household goods through voice recognition or by scanning barcodes.


Collapsible bike helmet pancakes down for portability

The Fuga helmet, created by Spanish startup firm Closca Design, gets smaller when you squish it down.


New Aluminum Battery Could Recharge Your Phone In Just One Minute

This new rechargeable battery is quick, cheap, and long-lasting.


Samsung is working on a flexible phone that morps into a smart bracelet

Samsung’s futuristic patent is a touchscreen smart bracelet with a display that wraps around your wrist.


L’Oreal Teams with Organovo to 3D Print Skin Tissue

Organovo is adding 3D printed skin to their portfoloio of printable organ tissues.




Your Ideas from the Fusion IdeaStation

We take your suggestions very seriously as they help to shape Fusion 360, so please share your ideas and vote for new features / enhancements you would like to see.

Here are a few popular ones from this week. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions!


Multi-page Drawings

Request to have the ability to generate multiple pages for a single drawing.


Converting Splines to Polylines

Request to allow for a blanket conversion of splines and polylines when exporting DXF’s.


Custom Drawing Title Block

Request to be able to select what information shows in the title block.


Tell us about yourself

Have a story to share? We would love to hear more about you and how you’re using Fusion 360! Shoot me an email at shannon.mcgarry@autodesk.com


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