FusionNews for the week of 1/13: A weekly roundup of community news

Shannon McGarry January 13, 2017

2 min read

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FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community. New posts every Friday.



From the Fusion 360 Team

QUICK TIP: New Offline Experience (Preview)

We’re striving to make “offline” mode in Fusion 360 a seamless transition from “online” mode. Check out this QUICK TIP to see our latest efforts!


Milling for Chocolate

Got chocolate? Check out how to use Fusion 360 and ShopBot’s Handibot to create custom chocolate while taking advantage of an add-in that enhances the software-to-hardware experience.


The Future of Making Things: On Demand and in the Cloud

Tony Glockler, CEO of SolidProfessor shares his key takeaway’s from Autodesk University and provides his perspective on how Fusion 360 is aligning with larger industry trends.


Think Outside the Box: Create An Ellipse Model using Fusion 360 & Python

Don’t be a square, go spiral! Create a 3D ellipse using Fusion 360 and Python script with Fusion fan Dino C.




Online: 2D CAM Deep Dive

Join us on 1/18 at 1:30 PM EST to explore the CAM workspace and all of the 2D operations in Fusion 360. Register here.


Online: Quick Start Virtual Lab

Get up and running quickly with Fusion 360 during this interactive session on 1/19 at 1 PM EST. Register here.


Online: Sculpting Deep Dive

Take an in-depth look at the sculpt environment, tspline tools and workflows and more on 1/20 at 1 PM EST. Register here.


Gallery Spotlights


Blender by John Harris

Bottle opener by Hans Kellner

Tattoo machine by Leonel Calleros


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Your Ideas from the Fusion 360 IdeaStation

We take your suggestions very seriously as they help to shape Fusion 360, so please share your ideas and vote for new features / enhancements you would like to see.


Last week, 6 Ideas have been reviewed and marked as Future Consideration!


They are great ideas, but some are in our backlog and some are stuff that we’d like to eventually get to, but currently have higher priority projects to focus on. We are investigating the last two to see if this is something we can address soon.


Have a story to share? We would love to hear more about you and how you’re using Fusion 360! Shoot me an email at Shannon.McGarry@autodesk.com

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