FusionNews for the week of 6/3: A weekly roundup of community news

Shannon McGarry June 3, 2016

2 min read

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FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community. New posts every Friday.




From the Fusion 360 Team

June 2nd 2016– What’s New

The inverted navigation issue, as well as a number of other critical issues were fixed in this quick update.


Quick Tip: Click and Drag

In this QUICK TIP, see why you’re unable to click and drag components freely at some times, and how you can enable this ability.


BabyBe Helps Premature Infants Bond with Parents

BabyBe, brings the mother’s heartbeat, voice, and breathing right into the incubator of premature infants.


Fusion 360: Assembly Joints and Limits on the Shapeoko 3

Technical Evangelist, Curt Chan showcases a simple workflow on applying as-built joints and limits to a Shapeoko 3 CAD Model.


Fusion 360 for AutoCAD User

Are you an AutoCAD user checking out Fusion 360? In this video Fusion 360 Technology Evangelist Mike Aubry goes through how to model in Fusion 360 from the perspective of an AutoCAD user.




Online: Fusion 360 Basics

Are you new to Fusion 360 and/or 3D design? Join us to get an introduction on June 7th at 4 PM EDT. Register here.


Online: 3D CAM Deep Dive in Fusion 360

Explore the CAM workspace and all of the 3D operations on June 7th at 3 PM EDT. Register here.


Online: Simulation Deep Dive in Fusion 360

Join us to look at the simulation study types in Fusion 360, applying boundary conditions, mesh types and more on June 9th at 1 PM EDT. Register here.


Live: Intro to Using Fusion 360 for Laser Cutting and 3D Printing – Seattle

Learn how to get started in Fusion 360 and how to make parts for laser cutting and 3D printing on June 16th at 7 PM PDT. Register here.


Gallery Spotlights


Reel Winding Assembly by Justin Owen

1952 Cunningham C-4RK by Gilberto Salas

Marine Alternator by Damien Collins


Your Ideas from the Fusion 360 IdeaStation

We take your suggestions very seriously as they help to shape Fusion 360, so please share your ideas and vote for new features / enhancements you would like to see. Here are a few from this week.


Add SketchUp to navigation options

Can you add Sketch Up to the list of navigation options?


CAM turning tailstock interference detection

When using a tailstock center (live center, dead center, whatever), it would be nice to be able to set up interference detection to avoid crashing.


Scroll with inertia

It would be very handy to have to same type of inertia like a preview on Mac has. The quicker you move the faster the scroll is.


Thanks to everyone for their suggestions!


Have a story to share? We would love to hear more about you and how you’re using Fusion 360! Shoot me an email at Shannon.McGarry@autodesk.com

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