June 20, 2015 Update – What’s New

Keqing Song June 21, 2015

5 min read

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Elevate your design and manufacturing processes with Autodesk Fusion

The theme for this update is around how to better work with distributed teams by referencing designs in an assembly. I heard loud and clear that this was something you have all asked for. This update delivers that with distributed design and more. We talked about it here in our preview blog post last week, check it out if you want to get a sense of how it works. This update lays the foundation for more powerful collaboration workflows, such as our branching and merging plans that are well underway.


Aside from distributed design, we also made significant improvements to the sketching, modeling, sculpting, 2D drawings, and CAM workflows. Below is a list of everything that is new for this update. Thanks for ongoing support, and enjoy the update!

Detailed list of What’s New


Team Collaboration


Distributed Design:















3D Print tools:



Patterns allow you to only generate a toolpath for a single instance and then duplicate it for the remaining instances. Making use of patterning can speed up the entire programming process since all changes to a pattern take effect immediately and no toolpath has to be recalculated or updated.

The following pattern types are now available:

You configure the linear and circular patterns much like the Rectangular Pattern and Circular Pattern functions in Fusion 360.


CAM Browser

Browser Improvements allow users to:

CAM Tool Library

Waterjet/Laser/Plasma Sheet Cutting Support (Preview)

Enable the 2D toolpath options in the preferences – > preview. Allows creation of 2D toolpaths for machine such as waterjets and laser cutters.





Additional Modeling Features Coverage

Additional Patch Features Coverage

New classes/interfaces

Extending Fusion 360 with Partners


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