In this ongoing series, we will forecast different functionality that will get implemented into Fusion 360. In this week’s forecast, we will take a look at the upgrade to Fusion 360’s infrastructure (WIP 2.0). This major update to the back end will enable innovative functionality in the future.
FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community. New posts every Friday.
Keep wondering when sheet metal functionality is going to be available? When will 2D drawings get the next set of improvements? Let's check-in..
Showerloop cleans and recycles warm water so you can enjoy that shower while using only a tenth of the resources.
While designing in Fusion 360, joint previews, sketches and work planes need to be turned off to view different aspects of the design. In this week's QUICK TIP, learn how to turn off a selection of different objects or all of them in your design.
Submit a proposal and join our community of experts—show how you’re pushing Fusion 360 software to its limits, shaping your industry, and building success in your business.
FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community. New posts every Friday.
We made some critical fixes to ensure better stability during startup, prevent graphics-related crashes, and to fix the missing tools in your CAM tool library.
What's New
Set up a mini-production line right on your desk with FormBox - a desktop vacuum former.
Never send a manager or customer a standard grey CAD animation again. In this week’s Quick Tip, make motion studies to demonstrate how your design functions and then take it a step further with a rendering of your motion study using cloud resources.
It's officially a tie! Congratulations to Mark and Alex - the winners of the Model of the Month for April!
FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community. New posts every Friday.
We’ve been working hard on our data management infrastructure, added new features to 2D drawings, local background rendering becomes available, and you can now mirror components. This is gonna be exciting, trust me.
What's New
FusionNews highlights the key things that happened over the past week in the Fusion 360 Community. New posts every Friday.
FabCreator is attempting to revolutionize the CO2 laser cutting industry by producing a new range of affordable, open source systems to bring digital fabrication tools to the masses.