Publication | Graphics Interface Conference 2021


An Ambient Interface for Improved Meeting Effectiveness and Corporate Knowledge Sharing

MeetingMate uses the existing content produced within an organization (slide decks, HR databases, etc.) to provide relevant information in real-time during live meetings.

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MeetingMate: an Ambient Interface for Improved Meeting Effectiveness and Corporate Knowledge Sharing

Justin Matejka, Tovi Grossman, George Fitzmaurice

Graphics Interface Conference 2021

We present MeetingMate, a system for improving meeting effectiveness and knowledge transfer within an organization. The system utilizes already existing content produced within the organization (slide decks, meeting information, HR databases, etc.) from which it generates and presents contextually relevant information in real-time to meeting participants through an ambient interface. Besides providing details about projects and content within the company, an employee relationship graph is created which supports increasing a user’s “metaknowlege” about who knows what and who knows whom within the organization.

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