3D objects disappear, display wrong, shift position, move, or offset from grips in AutoCAD

Autodesk Support

Feb 13, 2024

Products and versions covered


Users reported that when opening a drawing in AutoCAD, some 3D objects do not display correctly. They might be:
  • Moved out of position.
  • Shifted away from their edges.
  • Incorrectly shaped.
  • Disappeared completely (invisible).
When selected, they might display as:
  • Shifted away from object grips.
  • Leaving behind a ghost duplicate.
See the following examples:
A selected 3D solid whose grips are shifted.

Wrong Position

A ghost solid.

User-added image

An incorrect shape.

User-added image 


Update software

To solve the issue, install and use AutoCAD 2021.1 going forward. Update Autodesk software | Individuals | Autodesk Support

To recover existing data

The following may help reassociate the grips to the 3D solid and return 3D solids that have disappeared:
  • Select all solids and enter BREP.
  • Set system variable SOLIDHIST to 0.
  • Use the VSCURRENT command to change the visual style.
    1. Type VSCURRENT on the command line.
    2. Select 2D Wireframe for the visual style.
  • Select a base object and then click twice on a grip without moving or changing size.
Note: For compound 3D objects, use Ctrl+Click to select and edit base objects.
  • Stretch the 3D object through a hot grip and then undo.
    1. Select the object, and from one of the grips shown, stretch in any direction.
    2. When the stretch has been completed, press CTRL+Z to undo the operation.
  • Edit the Profile rotation of the object in the Properties palette.
    1. Select a 3D object.
    2. In the Properties palette (Ctrl+1), change the value under Profile rotation to Bank, Twist along path, or Scale along path.
Note: this will reset the value and force the 3D object to be redrawn.
  • Delete the objects and then undo the action right afterward.
    1. Select all faulty objects.
    2. Type DELETE and press Enter.
    3. Type UNDO and press Enter.
Note: Test this procedure on a backup copy of the drawing, especially if there is a large quantity of objects to be deleted.
  • Use the Clean option to check the affected solids.
    1. Enter SOLIDEDIT.
    2. Enter BODY.
    3. Enter CLEAN.
    4. Select the affected solid.

To prevent data from getting corrupted

For both affected and not affected files, do all of the following:
  • Install the latest updates for AutoCAD (see Install Updates, Add-ons, and Enhancements).
  • Clear object history.
    1. Select all of the objects in the drawing by pressing CTRL-A.
    2. On the command line, type in BREP.
  • Change CACHEMAXFILES system variable to zero.
    1. Type CACHEMAXFILES on the command line.
    2. Change the value to 0 (zero).
    3. Restart AutoCAD.
  • Change the ISAVEPERCENT system variable to 100.
    1. Type ISAVEPERCENT on the command line.
    2. Change the value to 100.
  • Change the SOLIDHIST variable to 0 (zero). 
    1. Type SOLIDHIST on the command line.
    2. Change the value to 0.
    3. Use QSELECT to select all 3D Solids in the drawing.
    4. From the Properties palette, under Solid History set History = None.
  • Change the CONSOLIDATIONMODE variable to 0 (zero) in versions of AutoCAD 2019 and newer.
    1. Type CONSOLIDATIONMODE on the command line.
    2. Change the value to 0.
  • Use the -PURGE command to purge registered applications from the drawing.
    1. Type -PURGE on the command line.
    2. Type R for Regapps (registered applications).
    3. Press Enter again (the asterisk equates to all registered applications).
    4. Type N when asked to verify each name to be purged.
  • Use the QSELECT command to select the 3D objects and then copy-paste them into another drawing.
  • Disable 3DOSNAPs by setting the 3DOSMODE variable to 0 (zero).

High contrast

Make sure that the windows high contrast settings are switched off.
User-added image


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