"Active Sessions Exceeded" warning in Autodesk Fusion

Autodesk Support

Feb 3, 2025

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When opening Autodesk Fusion, the following warning displays:

Active Sessions Exceeded

Active Sessions Exceeded warning in Fusion



  • This warning displays when Fusion detects that there are multiple active sessions for the same sign in account.
  • This is because more than one active session of Fusion is open for an account at a time.
  • Fusion can be installed on multiple machines, but only one open session of Fusion can be active for a single user at a time.
  • Session concurrency is measured only for Fusion and is not affected by Fusion Team or Autodesk Fusion Mobile App usage.
  • As stated in the Terms and Conditions, "Your Authorized User may only use the Software on one (1) Electronic Device at a time".



Within the warning dialog box, the sessions can be managed by doing one of the following:

Purchase more seats of Fusion

If multiple accounts need access to Fusion at the same time, purchase extra seats. Each account creates its unique sign-in and can work collaboratively on data.

To purchase extra seats of Fusion, call an Autodesk sales representative at the numbers listed below or visit the Autodesk store.

USA and Canada: +1 833 843 3437
JPN (Asia): +81 0800 080 4228
EMEA Hub: + 1442 038 72 2950
UK:  +44 8081 699659
Germany: +49 8941 207104
France: +33 1 75 85 05 80
Spain: +34 9312 25042
Italy: +39 0 212 4120560

Note: If planning on purchasing multiple seats of Fusion and assigning them to individual accounts, refer to Autodesk Account User Management.

Remotely Suspend an active Fusion session

  • This option allows one to remotely suspend any active sessions of Fusion on a different computer.
  • The computer name, the time Fusion was opened, and its latest activity displays.
  • Suspending the session stops Fusion from working on the selected computer, but doesn't close Fusion.
  • This is useful if toolpaths are generating in the background, simulations, or local renderings are in progress, or if data is open, and so on.
  • If a session is suspended, that computer cannot work again until the other active sessions have been closed or suspended. To close or suspend the other active sessions, click Check Again on the suspended machine.

Active Session Suspend - Fusion

Remotely close another Fusion session

  • This option allows one to remotely close any active sessions of Fusion on a different computer.
  • The computer name, the time Fusion was opened, and its latest activity displays.
  • All remote Fusion sessions must be closed or suspended to continue working with Fusion on the current computer, as only one active session can be live at a time.

Note: Any unsaved work on the remote machine is saved in a recovery file when closed remotely. To recover the files, start Fusion on the other machine and select Recover Documents from the File menu.

Recover Documents option in Fusion File menu


Sign out of Autodesk products on this computer and sign in with a different account

This option signs out of Fusion and any other Autodesk products with single sign-on. Sign in with a different account if needed.

Exit the current Fusion session

This option closes Fusion on this computer and clears any session concurrency issues on another machine logged in as the same account.

Note: If there is any unsaved work open in the background when selecting this option, a recovery file is created. To recover the files, start Fusion on the other machine and select Recover Documents from the File menu.

Note: If you believe that all other sessions are closed when the message displays, click Check again.




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