How to add a specific toolbar to a workspace in AutoCAD-based products

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


How to add a specific toolbar to a workspace in AutoCAD or its verticals (e.g. Civil 3D)? 


To turn on the Toolbars menu in AutoCAD Products, follow the below solutions:

Turn on toolbars with the menu:

  1. On the command line, enter MENUBAR and set the value to 1.
  2. Click the Tools > Toolbars menu and select the desired toolbar(s).

Note: On any visible toolbar, right-click on the toolbar to see a menu of toolbars to turn on and off. Move the toolbar(s) to desired locations in the AutoCAD program window.


Turn on toolbars with the -TOOLBAR command:

  1. On the command line, enter -TOOLBAR (include the preceding dash).
  2. Enter the name of a toolbar. List of names here.
  3. Select Show to display the toolbar.

Use the Toolbars menu in Civil 3D 

  1. In Civil 3D go to the View tab > Select Toolbars.
  2. Select desired AutoCAD, Civil, Express, or Vehicle Tracking (if installed) menus.
  3. Select desired toolbar. 

Enable the option to save workspace changes:

  1. On the command line in AutoCAD, enter WSSETTINGS.
  2. Select "Automatically save workspace changes" and then click OK.

Note: Toolbars are enabled per workspace. Use the workspace menu on the AutoCAD status bar to select a different workspace and then repeat the above process.


Using the CUI editor to add a toolbar to a workspace:

  1. On the command line in AutoCAD, enter CUI.
  2. Under the Customize tab, below All Customization Files, select the workspace to edit.
  3. On the right side, click the "Customize Workspace" button.
  4. On the left side, expand the Toolbars list and put checks in front of the desired toolbars.
  5. On the right side, click the "Done" button.
  6. Repeat for additional workspaces. Click OK on the CUI window when finished.

Note: Toolbars need to be moved to desired locations and the workspace changes saved (use the WSSETTINGS command).


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