AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT for Mac randomly crashes or freezes

Autodesk Support

Feb 17, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that while using AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT for Mac, the program randomly crashes or freezes.


Missing updates

Install the latest update for AutoCAD (LT) for Mac by clicking Check for Updates under the AutoCAD (LT) program menu. See AutoCAD for Mac Updates's Applying Updates and AutoCAD LT for Mac Updates's Applying Updates.
Note: Notifications for AutoCAD(LT) must be enabled for this update method to work.

Security & Privacy settings

Add AutoCAD (LT) to privacy settings.

  1. Open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy. If needed, click the Privacy tab.
  2. Click the lock at the bottom and enter the password to unlock the panel.
  3. Find "Input Monitoring" and "Full Disk Access" and make sure AutoCAD is listed and checked for both.|

Corrupt user profile

Reset AutoCAD to defaults. See How to reset AutoCAD to defaults.

Disable Desktop Analytics

Disable Desktop Analytics and the Customer Involvement Program.

  1. Within AutoCAD (LT) for Mac, go to Help > Desktop Analytics.
  2. Deselect Yes, I would like to contribute to this program.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Go to Help > Customer Involvement Program.
  5. Select No, I do not want to join the program at this time.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Quit and restart AutoCAD (LT).
Note: Newer versions of AutoCAD (LT) no longer have the Customer Involvement Program.

Corrupt installation

AutoCAD (LT) for Mac may need to be uninstalled and reinstalled. See How to do a clean uninstall of AutoCAD for Mac.

Wrong graphics engine (macOS 11.x and later)

Set AutoCAD (LT) for Mac to use the Metal graphics engine.

  1. Type OPTIONS into the command line and press Enter. 
  2. In the dialog box, select the General tab.
  3. Under the category Graphics, change the graphics engine to "Metal".
  4. Close and restart AutoCAD (LT).

Installing a newer version of AutoCAD 

To install to a newer version see: How to upgrade an earlier version of Inventor or AutoCAD products to a newer one


AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac;

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