Broken phasing of nested shared families when modifying both phase parameters at the same time in Revit

Autodesk Support

Feb 21, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that, when modifying both phase parameters of an element at the same time in Revit, nested shared families of the element can inherit a broken phase, where the demolished phase is earlier than the creation phase.

Once that broken phase state is applied, the element phases on the Properties palette get greyed out and it cannot get corrected without recreating the element entirely.


This incident has been resolved in:

Revit 2024.2.1
Revit 2025

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Additional Information:

This issue is reproducible only if both of the below circumstances are fulfilled: 
  • The nested family is shared.
  • Two phase changes get applied at the same time (both the phase created and demolished are changed at once).


Use one of the following approaches to avoid the issue:

Avoid family nesting if possible 

Video: Use Nested and Shared Families

If the famliy component is nested, avoid using it as a shared family if possible

About the Different Kinds of Families

Avoid changing both element phase parameters at the same time

If none of the above options are applicable, avoid changing both element phase parameters at the same time. To do so, when making the adjustment on the Properties Palette: 

  1. Change the parameter value of "Phase Created"
  2. Click Apply. 
  3. Change the parameter value of "Phase demolished"
  4. Click Apply.


Revit Product Family;


2022; 2023; 2024;

Incident ID:


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