"Contour Selection: No contour selected to machine." error while generating toolpaths in Fusion Manufacturing

Autodesk Support

Jan 9, 2025

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There is an error icon next to a toolpath, and when the icon is clicked the error message says "Error: Contour selection has X missing selections. Error: No contour selected to machine."

"Error: Contour selection has X missing selections. Error: No contour selected to machine." 


The model geometry that defined the contour in this toolpath has a broken or missing reference. The number of "missing selections" indicates how many references are missing.
It can happen when:
  • The contour geometry has been changed or deleted,
  • The body has been repatterned, remirrored, or deleted,
  • The body has been moved to another component. 


  1. Right click the toolpath in the browser and go to "edit."
  2. In the Geometry tab, click the X next to Contour Selection to cancel all current selections.
  3. Click the contours that you want.
  4. Click OK. The toolpath will automatically regenerate.



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