Changes to Rendering in Maya 2017

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


With the release of Maya 2017 on July 25th 2016, Autodesk will replace the rendering software it includes with Maya.

Moving forward, Autodesk will no longer include licenses for NVIDIA’s Mental Ray with Maya, but Arnold will be available as the default renderer.


What is changing:

On July 25th 2016, Autodesk will make the following changes when it ships Maya 2017:

  • Autodesk will no longer provide mental ray licenses with Maya 2017.
  • Maya will include Arnold renderer for with Maya 2017.
  • Arnold will be the default renderer included with the Maya 2017 software download.
  • Mental Ray licenses for Maya 2017 will be available for purchase and download directly from NVIDIA.
  • Previous versions of Maya using Mental Ray are unaffected by these changes.
  • Maya support for third party renderers such as: Mental Ray, V-Ray, Renderman, Octane and Redshift will be unaffected.
    • Licenses for these renderers can be obtained from the companies that develop them or authorized resellers.
  • These changes apply to all downloads and installs of Maya 2017 including new and existing subscribers as well as those on an Autodesk maintenance plan.

Why did this change occur?

Autodesk purchased Solid Angle (creators of Arnold) with the goal of adding high-quality rendering to the Autodesk product portfolio. 
Additionally, Maya will now have the ability to produce high-quality renders out-of-the-box. 

Who does this change affect?

Those using Maya 2017 will only have access to the Arnold render engine, whereas Mental Ray must be acquired through NVIDIA directly. This includes new, existing and maintenance subscribers. It does not impact customers using legacy versions of Maya (2016 and earlier).  

Using Mental Ray with Maya 2017 and later:

To use Mental Ray with Maya 2017 and subsequent releases, purchase a new license and download the plug-in directly from NVIDIA.

Before installing Maya 2017, contact NVIDIA to check pricing and availability of their plug-in for Maya 2017.

Note: More information about NVIDIA and Mental Ray may be found on their website.

Will adding Arnold affect how third party render engines work with Maya?

Adding Arnold will not have any affect on other third party render engines installed simultaneously. Autodesk is committed to supporting third party renderers, including Mental Ray.

Is it possible to purchase Mental Ray licenses for Maya 2017 from Autodesk?

To purchase mental ray licenses for Maya 2017, purchase them directly from NVIDIA. However, Autodesk will continue to sell additional standalone licenses of Mental Ray for previous versions of Maya, including Maya 2016.

If using previous versions of Maya (Maya 2016 and older), continue to purchase Mental Ray standalone licenses from Autodesk and its authorized channel partners until further notice.

Autodesk channel partners will not be authorized to sell Mental Ray licenses for Maya 2017. However, they may have a separate distribution contract with NVIDIA that enables them to do so. Contact a reseller or NVIDIA directly to find out more on how to purchase the Mental Ray plug-in for Maya 2017.

If using Mental Ray with Maya 2016, can it be used with Maya 2017?

Maya 2016 is bundled with a Mental Ray license, whereas Maya 2017 and beyond is not. Both versions of Maya can be installed simultaneously, but Mental Ray is not available in Maya 2017 without purchasing a separate license from NVIDIA.

Will Mental Ray shaders be compatible with Maya 2017?

Maya scenes containing Mental Ray shaders will be compatible with Maya 2017 but will require a compatible version of Mental Ray to be installed. This will need to be purchased separately.

How to know if Mental Ray shaders are in the Maya scene?

Maya 2017 (without Mental Ray) will present a warning if a scene is loaded that includes Mental Ray shaders. The option to cancel the load, or continue will appear.

Where to get support for Mental Ray for Maya 2017?

Contact NVIDIA for information on support for Mental Ray for Maya 2017. Autodesk will continue to offer support for previous versions of Mental Ray.

Is it possible to install Maya 2017 without Arnold?

There is no requirement to install Arnold. Opt out of the Arnold installation by disabling Arnold for Maya option during the installation process. 





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