Cloud Links not found when opening model and External Resources is empty in Revit

Autodesk Support

Mar 29, 2024

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When opening a Revit Cloud Workshared (RCW) model all RCW links are unable to load. Reloading the links is not successful, and when using the Reload From command External Resources is empty in Revit.

Manage Links Dialog

Additional Symptom:
  • When trying to save a model to the cloud, the dialog is similarly empty.
  • Revit 2022: When trying to save a model to the cloud you get the following message "To save the model to the cloud, you need access to Autodesk Docs."

The journal file contains some of the following entries:

Unable to contact Project Hub:
 'C 23-Nov-2020 11:15:58.441;   0:< Collaborate: CloudResourceManager.GetHubs: Unable to get hubs, System.ArrayTypeMismatchException: 'Attempted to access an element as a type incompatible with the array.' 
Unable to access specific item:
 'C 23-Nov-2020 11:15:32.727;   0:< Collaborate: CloudResourceManager.GetIem: Unable to get item, System.ArrayTypeMismatchException: 'Attempted to access an element as a type incompatible with the array.' 


See the following article for troubleshooting this behavior: Revit Journal records Unable to get hubs when working with cloud models


Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing;


2020; 2021; 2022;

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