"Connection Error: This error can be caused by an inaccurate time on the system clock, or by temporary system unavailability" when installing an Autodesk software

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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When launching or downloading an Autodesk software, a connection error appears:

Connection error

 This error can be caused by an inaccurate time on the system clock, or by temporary system unavailability. Please check the system clock and try again.
Maya 2015 Connection Error



The system clock settings is causing a conflict.


To begin troubleshooting, download the latest security update:
Transport Layer Security (TLS): Updates Required to Maintain Software Access

After it is installed successfully, use the following strategies to resolve the error (use the strategy that is applicable to the installed Operating System:
  • Windows 7/8
  1. Open the Date & Time Settings window.
  2. Verify that the date, time, time zone, and Daylight Saving Time settings are all correct for your current location.
  3. If they are correct, change each setting one at a time and apply the changes by clicking OK.  
    • Remove the check mark from "Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time."
    • Apply the change by clicking OK.
    • Select "Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving time." 
    • Apply the change by clicking OK.
  4. Restore the original settings and apply the changes again.
  5. With each variation, test the download or launch the software.
Daylight Saving Time
  • Windows 10
  1. Click on the Start Button
  2. Type "date" and then click on the result Date & Time Settings
  3. Make sure that the following options are enabled:
    • Set time automatically.
    • Set time zone automatically.
Note: If the computer is on a domain, it is not possible to synchronize the clock with an Internet time server. The IT department should check the Time & Date settings on the server. 
  1. In the same Date &Time menu, open the Internet Time tab, and then click Change settings.
    • If prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  2. Select the check box next to Synchronize with an Internet time server.
  3. Select a time server, and then click OK.
    • If an error appears (An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time-b.nist.gov) change the internet time server to time.windows.com.



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