"This operation could not be completed." when opening cloud model in Revit

Autodesk Support

Jan 7, 2025

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When trying to open a cloud model in Revit, the following warning message is displayed:

Open Model

"This operation could not be completed. Please try again."

Image of Error: This operation could not be completed. Please try again in Revit   


Initial Troubleshooting

  • If accessing through the Recent Files page, try accessing the cloud model directly. If a different issue shows up when accessing the model directly, see the following Guide: Troubleshooting cloud model access from Revit

  • Check Available Storage: See the following articles for the amount of free space needed on the primary (C:\) hard disk:

Image of Steps how to Open and Audit workshared cloud model in Revit

  •  Open with worksets closed
    1. See the following article for information on How to turn off worksets when opening Revit models.
    2. If the model opens with worksets turned off, go through the following steps:
      1. Unload Revit and IFC links (Unload for me).
      2. Reopen the closed worksets.
      3. Reload the links checking for errors.
      4. If an error is encountered loading one of the links, open the linked model and address any errors/warnings.
        1. If issue is found with a Desktop Connector based link, see the following article: "This operation could not be completed. Please try again" when opening a cloud work-shared model in Revit
      5. Once the link opens without error, reload in the host, and confirm that the error is cleared.
      6. Once the error is cleared reloading all linked models, try opening the host model normally and confirm if the error is cleared.
  • Check Journals
Check the Revit journals for the following entries, and if found use the steps from the corresponding article:
Failed to refresh cached central file
Insufficient disk space to create the temporary files that Revit needs
Failed to upload ModelResourceId
There was no endpoint listening at
DataStorageClient.Exceptions.CentralModelException: (BadRequest, ):
GetLastError returned 112 - There is not enough space on the disk
Thread "RevitSrvToolDownloader_#" terminating due to error.
Unhandled exception - exception: Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.FileAccessException, msg: Unexpected structured EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION happened during open documents..
openDocumentFileForUI: The model could not be opened: The parameter is incorrect.Multiple users unable to access Revit model, "The model could not be opened: The parameter is incorrect." in the Revit Journal
DBG_WARN: Could not get AllProjectPhases"This operation cannot be completed" when opening a cloud workshared model in Revit
This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms"This operation could not be completed..." when opening a cloud workshared model in Revit
Exception is throw in ServerInaccessibilityMonitoringTask"This operation could not be completed... " error intermittently occurs with cloud models.
DBG_WARN: Central permission origId"This operation could not be completed" when saving a specific model to Revit Server
Missing ESSchema: GUIDCorruption or crash when opening file in Revit and journal shows Missing ESSchema: GUID

Note: See the following article for more information on How to read the journal file from Revit.

Additional Troubleshooting

  • Clear Local Cache: See the following article for information on How to clear damaged Revit cloud model cache.
  • Add the project again through Desktop Connector (Expand for details).
    • When using Desktop Connector 16, clear the Desktop Connector cache by removing the project and adding it again:
    1. Open Desktop Connector.

    2. Choose "Settings/ Select Projects"

    3. Navigate to the project in the list.

    4. Deselect it to remove it.

    5. Save.

    6. Open Desktop Connector.

    7. Choose "Select Projects".

    8. Navigate to the project in the list.

    9. Select it to add again.

    10. Save.

    Image of steps to Select Projects in Desktop Connector

  • Reload cloud link models through External Resource: Relink the models by "reload from" and select files from External Resource.

Additional Articles

For more articles on this error, see the following link: This operation could not be completed



Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing; BIM 360; Construction Cloud;

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