Revit Journal records "DBG_WARN: [TKY] mirrorId duplicate..." when synchronizing

Autodesk Support

Sep 21, 2024

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After Creating a local file and successfully synchronizing, other users with existing local files receive the error "File Not Saved" or "Revit cannot reconcile the differences between your local file and the central model. You can find more information about the errors in the Worksets dialog" when trying to synchronize in Revit.

Additional information:

When initially saving the central model, or synchronizing the newly created local model you may find journal entries similar to the following:
DBG_WARN: [TKY] mirrorId duplicate toKeep invElemId origId = ######## creation = ########-####-####-####-############: line 4076 of d:\ship\2015_px64\source\revit\revitdb\permissions\EditingPermissions.cpp
When users receive the “File Not Saved” error, preceding this the journal will record a line similar to the following:
' 5:< SLOG $######## YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS .STC:RL:DP:Error  "Merge exception"


Corruption in one or more elements (specifically the editing permissions of the elements).


Since this issue relates to the worksharing editing permissions, you can clear this behavior by performing the following actions:
  1. Select the element by ID number indicated in the journal file ("origId = ########") and delete it.
  2. Save the model and close.
  3. Open with "Detach from Central" checked and when prompted, select "Discard Worksets".
  4. Re-enable worksharing and setup the desired worksets.
    • Collaborate > Worksets > OK



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