Fonts are not available in AutoCAD for Mac

Autodesk Support

Mar 1, 2024

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When opening a file in AutoCAD for Mac, text objects are not displayed correctly, and revert to the default font instead of the specified one. The same font might show up correctly on other versions of AutoCAD or on other software.




  • The font is not installed on the system.
  • The user profile is corrupt.
  • The custom font file is damaged or not compatible.
  • The font cache has not been cleared after installing the font.


Try the following suggestions:
  • Verify that the font is installed on the system in the Font Book or in the AutoCAD font folders and install the font if missing (see How to install a font into AutoCAD for Mac). A system restart may be required for AutoCAD to load newly installed fonts.
    • Note: Fonts installed in the AutoCAD app folder will only be available to the program it was installed for, not other programs on the system.
  • Use Font Book to verify there are no problems with the font file (File > Validate File).
  • Use the following steps to clear the font cache and repair permissions:
  1. To clear the Mac font cache:
    1. Launch the Terminal.
    2. Insert the following text and press Enter.
      • sudo atsutil databases -remove

    3. When the password prompt comes up, type the password and press Enter.
      • Note: The password will not be shown, even as encrypted characters.
    4. Some messages confirming the removal of registry files will be shown.
    5. Close the Terminal.
  2. To repair disk permissions:
    1. Open Disk Utility from /Applications/Utilities.
    2. Select the boot volume on the left panel.
    3. Click First Aid in the toolbar on the top.
    4. Click Run and then on Continue.
      • Note: The process will take some time, during which it will not be possible to use the computer.
    5. Once the process has been completed, restart the system.
  • Repair the user profile by resetting AutoCAD to defaults (see How to reset AutoCAD to defaults).
    • Note: AutoCAD for Mac first creates a backup of the current settings and stores them at this location: ~home/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Settings Backup <date/time>.tgz
  • Look for a newer release of the font online and import into the Mac Font Book or directly install into AutoCAD.
    • Note: If the font doesn't initially load into AutoCAD or is still noted as missing, try restarting your computer.


AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac;

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