General Troubleshooting Steps for Maya

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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Maya is constantly evolving to meet the needs of customers, and the ever-changing demands of the industry. Because of this rapid change along with developments in hardware, it is possible that functionality issues arise.

Common issues include:

  • Maya Crashing Constantly
  • The Viewport workspace is Unusable
  • Tools are not working as expected


Maya is Crashing Constantly

Multiple factors can cause crashing. To find the root cause, investigate these options:

  1. Corrupted Maya Preferences - Preferences can get corrupted after extended use. 
    • Use this guide to reset them to their default state: Reset Maya Preferences to Default.
    • Maya will create a Preferences folder the next time it is launched. Make sure to select "Create Default Preferences" when prompted.
    • If applicable, systematically reapply your custom preferences to the new folder to see what specifically got corrupted
  2. The Graphics Card (GPU) is not supported for Maya - Maya requires a high-powered graphics card to run in a stable manner. The list of approved cards can be found here: Certified Graphics Cards for Maya
  3. The Graphics Card Drivers are not up to date - graphics card drivers are updated on a frequent basis for cards that are actively supported. To check for updates, search online for the graphics card name (see previous links for finding graphics card information) and find the appropriate driver downloads.

Note: Mac automatically updates drivers with OS updates

Certified GPU Driver Download pages for Windows or Linux cards can found here:
  1. A peripheral device is not compatible with Maya, or the driver for the device is out of date. Peripheral devices such as tablets, 3D mice, VR glasses, and track pads may not be compatible with Maya. To determine if a peripheral device is the cause of the crashing, unplug the device and restart Maya. These devices also have drivers and are updated frequently. Search online for the device to see if there is an update available.

Note: It is the responsibility of the company to make the device compatible with Maya as we do not have access to their developmental resources. Compatibility issues must be reported to the appropriate support channels.

  1. Maya does not have the most current update installed - Developers create regular updates for Maya that are accessible through the Autodesk Account website. To determine what version of Maya is installed, select Help, then About Maya. A new window opens listing the specific version installed:

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Note: Updates are not automatically installed when downloading Maya. Updates are separate installs that must be manually selected for the appropriate operating system. 

  1. Corrupted Maya Scene: If the crashing is tied to a specific scene (not in a brand new scene), the scene may be corrupted. To begin troubleshooting, try recreating the scene/workflow in a new scene. If it is still crashing, follow these suggestions to determine the root cause:
    • Import the crashing scene into a new scene - the importing process could clear out the corrupted node. Save as a new scene if successful.
    • Use the Optimize Scene Size tool to clear out elements that are not necessary for the scene. Click the Options Box to manually select what nodes to be removed.
      • Note: The Optimize Scene Size operation cannot be undone. It is highly recommended that a backup of the scene is saved before using this tool.
  2. Maya is hitting a program problem that is preventing it from running - when Maya crashes, a CER Report window opens (see image following image). These reports are sent into an Autodesk Database that tracks crash reports. If the problem is a known issue, these reports attach that issue ID# to the crash report.
  • To learn the results of the CER, fill out the report, then create a Technical Support case. A specialist looks up the crash information either by the email address it was submitted with, or the report number.

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The Viewport is Unstable

Viewport performance is tied primarily to GPU performance, but CPU does have influence as well. If the graphics card is unable to support Viewport 2.0 (see Certified Graphics Cards), use the following links to optimize the viewport setup:

  1. Revert to Legacy Viewport
  2. Optimize Viewport 2.0
  3. Change the UI rendering engine (improvements vary based on the system. Restart Maya to apply the settings changes and test performance).

Tools are not Operating as Expected

Most tools within Maya can be customized to the preference of the user. Sometimes customization is done unintentionally.

  • To reset all tools to their default settings, follow this guide: Reset Maya to Default.
  • To reset tools individually, click the options box associated with that tool, click Edit, then Reset Settings

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  • For the manipulators (move, scale, rotate) on the left side of the Maya workspace, double click the tool icon to open the Tool Settings Window. Click Reset Tool at the top of the Settings window.

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The install of Maya is Corrupted

If none of the above troubleshooting steps are successful, a Clean Reinstall of Maya may be required. Follow this guide to do so: Perform a Clean Uninstall




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