How to access a hidden Library folder on macOS

Autodesk Support

Apr 24, 2024

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Some troubleshooting procedures require you to navigate to and view a hidden folder on Mac.




You can access the Library folder with the Go To Folder command or from the Terminal app.


Use the shortcut for revealing hidden folders - CMD+SHFT+DOT (period)

Access the Library folder in Finder:

  1. In Finder, choose Go > Go To Folder
Go to folder mac
  1. In the Go To The Folder field, enter ~/library
Library hidden folder
  1. Select Return on the keyboard.

Alternative Method to access the Library folder in Finder:

  1. In Finder expand the Go menu
  2. Press the Option key
  3. Select Library from the Go menu

Access the Library folder directly through the Terminal:

  1. Click the Spotlight Search icon in the upper right corner
  2. Enter "Terminal"
  3. In the Terminal window, enter "open library". The library opens in a Finder window.

To permanently show all hidden files:

  1. Open the Applications > Utilities folder, and then double-click Terminal
  2. In Terminal, enter the following: 
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
  1. Press return
  2. Press Option and right-click the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch.
  3. To hide files again, use the Terminal command: 
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

For details about the procedures, see this screencast:


AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac; Fusion;

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