How to Browse the SVC files for Revit Server

Autodesk Support

Jan 4, 2024

Products and versions covered


Browsing SVC files can verify basic functionality of Revit Server and provide more detailed error messages when troubleshooting Revit Server.


  1. Open IIS Manager (Start > Run > search "inetmgr").
  2. Browse from the top level server to Sites and expand the Default Web Site.
  3. Select each of the Revit Server applications (ModelService<Version>, LocalService<Version>, RevitServerAdminRESTService<Version>), and in the Content View, right click on the SVC file and select Browse.
  4. A browser window should open indicating that you have created a service (like below). (If an error is encountered, review the article Revit Server Errors encountered when browsing SVC files for previously identified errors, and if the error encountered is not listed, search online for information on troubleshooting the IIS configuration.)

    AdminService SVC Browse


  • It is normal to receive an "Endpoint not found" message when browsing the AdminRESTService.svc file.
  • If a browser does not launch when clicking "Browse", manually launch the browser and specify the URL:
    • http://localhost/ModelService2018/ModelService.svc
    • http://localhost/LocalService2018/LocalService.svc
    • http://localhost/RevitServerAdminRESTService2018/AdminService.svc
  • If an error is encountered when browsing the SVC files for Revit Server, also try browsing the Default Website. Right click on the Default Website, going to Manage Website and selecting Browse (or go this URL in the browser: http://localhost/). If there is an error when browsing the Default Website, then there is likely an issue with IIS that needs to be resolved before Revit Server will work.

See Also:





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